Pursuant to W.S. § 25-5-129, Admission procedures required by W.S. §§ 25-5-114 through 25-5-115 and W.S. § 25-5-121(e) are not required. The process for Admission is:
(a) During the course of determining the Eligibility and Application Process for Services, as outlined in the Wyoming Life Resource Center's Rule, Chapter 3, Section 2 or Wyoming Life Resource Center's Rule, Chapter 4, Section 2, and the Division staff determines there are factors outlined in the previous Section, the information will be referred to the Administrator for potential placement at the Center.
(b) For an applicant already receiving waiver services, the participant, legally authorized representative or community team may request the Division to consider temporary services at the Center.
(c) The applicant or legally authorized representative will complete and submit a temporary services request form to the Center for temporary services consideration.
(d) The Administrator shall make a determination in writing whether to provide temporary services at the Center.
(e) The Center staff shall receive the admission request form and coordinate with the applicant and other appropriate sources to obtain information requests, appropriate medical, demographic, and programmatic information pertinent to care and services required by the applicant. The applicant or their legally authorized representative shall be responsible for submitting the admission request form and all required documentation to the Center staff.
(f) Reimbursement for services may be pursued as determined by the Department rules on collection of charges.
(g) The Center will provide an appropriate program plan for clients receiving temporary services.
(h) If additional services are requested, procedures in Wyoming Life Resource Center Rules, Chapter 3, Section 5, or Chapter 4, Section 4, will be followed.
048-5 Wyo. Code R. § 5-4