048-2 Wyo. Code R. § 2-5

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 2-5 - Definitions

The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and enforcement of these rules. Where the context in which words are used in these rules indicates that such is the intent, words in the singular number shall include the plural and vice versa. Throughout these rules gender pronouns are used interchangeably except where the context dictates otherwise. The drafters have attempted to utilize each gender pronoun in equal numbers in random distribution. Words in each gender shall include individuals of the other gender.

(a) "Act." The Drug Donation Program Act, Wyoming House of Representatives Bill 0194 to be codified as W.S. § 35-7-1601.

(b) "Applicant." A pharmacy, hospital, physician's office, health care facility or charitable health clinic or non-profit clinic whose written application for the Medication Donation Program has been submitted to the Department of Health, but there has been no final determination of eligibility.

(c) "Audit." Refers to a review may be conducted periodically, after the effective date of eligibility.

(d) "Caregiver." Refers to a person, other than a natural parent or legal guardian, who is at least eighteen (18) years of age and is the primary physical custodian or relative.

(e) "Charitable Clinic." Refers to a charitable nonprofit corporation or a facility organized as a not-for-profit site where prescriptions are dispensed.

(f) "Controlled Substances." Refers to controlled substances defined by the Wyoming Controlled Substances Act, W. S. § 35-7-1001 et seq.

(g) "Department." Refers to the Wyoming Department of Health, its agent, designee, or successor.

(h) "Dispense." Refers to delivering a medication to an ultimate user pursuant to the lawful order of a practitioner, including the packaging, or labeling.

(i) "Donor." An individual who has voluntarily donated unused medications.

(j) "Donor Representative." An individual who represents the donor.

  • (i) May be a caregiver, relative or person who is otherwise authorized to represent donor.

(k) "Eligible." Refers to an applicant who meets the requirements to participate in the program.

(l) "Expiration Date." The date placed on the immediate container label of a medication that designates the date through which the product is expected to remain within specifications.

(m) "Health Care Facility." Refers to a long term care hospital, a mental health center, nursing facility, a pharmacy, a psychiatric or mental hospital, a public health facility, a rehabilitation hospital, a skilled nursing facility.

(n) "Hospital." Refers to a facility where diagnosis, treatment, medical care, nursing care, or related services are provided on an inpatient or outpatient basis for a period of more than twenty-four consecutive hours.

  • (i) Hospital includes a facility for long-term care hospital, a critical access hospital, or a psychiatric or mental hospital.

(o) "Identifying marks." Refers to any mark or label that will identify patient specific information.

(p) "Labeling." Includes all written, printed, or graphic matter on the container or package containing consumer commodity.

(q) "Lot Number." Refers to a distinctive combination of symbols, alphabet characters or numerals which identifies a medication that is intended to be uniform in character and quality, produced during the same cycle of manufacturing.

(r) "Medication." Refers to a medication or device which is prescribed to treat or prevent illness as defined in the U.S. Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act which is required under federal law to be dispensed with a medical practitioner's prescription.

  • (i) For purposes of this program it does not include controlled substances or compounded medications.

(s) "NDC." Refers to National Drug Code.

  • (i) Identifies the manufacturer or distributor, drug product, trade package size and type.

(t) "Over the Counter Medical Supplies." Refers to medication and supplies that do not require a medical practitioner's prescription.

(u) "Participating Donation Site." Refers to a physician's office, pharmacy, hospital, health care facility, or charitable health clinic that has voluntarily elected to accept and dispense donated medications.

(v) "Participating Donation Site Registry." Refers to a registry of Participating Donation Sites established and maintained by the Department of Health that includes the Participating Donation Site name, address, and telephone number, and identifies whether the Participating Donation Site is a physician's office, a pharmacy, a hospital, a health care facility or charitable health clinic.

(w) "Patient Counseling." Effective oral communication by the Participating Donation Site to provide information to the recipient or care giver in order to ensure proper use of the medication.

(x) "Pharmacy." Refers to a facility licensed by the Wyoming State Board of Pharmacy to operate as a retail or institutional pharmacy.

(y) "Physician." A person licensed to practice medicine or osteopathy by the Wyoming State Board of Medical Examiners.

(z) "Physician's office." Refers to the office of the person licensed to practice medicine.

(aa) "Prescribing practitioner." Refers to a health care practitioner who is authorized to prescribe medications.

(bb) "Prescription Medication." Refers to any medication required to be dispensed only by a prescription, by virtue of the Federal or State laws and regulations.

(cc) "Program." The Medication Donation Program established by the Department of Health.

(dd) "Recipient." Refers to an individual who receives donated medications.

(ee) "Relative or Related." Refers to the relationship of parent, stepparent, grandparent, great-grandparent, sibling, stepsibling, half sibling, uncle, aunt, or spouse connected with another by blood or affinity.

(ff) "Repackage." Refers to package medication in a new container.

(gg) "Resident." Refers to a person who resides in the State of Wyoming.

(hh) "Tamper Evident." Refers to a container within which a drug is sealed so that the contents cannot be opened without obvious destruction of the seal.

(ii) "Transfer." Refers to moving donated medication from one Participating Donation Site to another Participating Donation Site within the program.

(jj) "Unit-dose." Refers to a packaging system that contains individual sealed doses of a medication.

048-2 Wyo. Code R. § 2-5