048-8 Wyo. Code R. § 8-14

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 8-14 - Evacuation Capability, Emergency Procedures and Fire Safety

(a) Evacuation Capability.

  • (i) Fire safety and evacuation review shall meet the requirements of Chapter 23 of the NFPA Life Safety Code 101, 1994 edition.

(b) Emergency Procedures.

  • (i) Disaster and Emergency Preparedness.
    • (A) The facility shall have detailed written plans and procedures to meet all potential emergencies and disasters, such as fire, severe weather, and missing residents.
    • (B) The facility shall train all employees in emergency procedures when they begin work in the facility. The facility shall review the procedures with existing staff at least once in each 12 month period.

(c) Fire Safety.

  • (i) Portable Fire Extinguishers.
    • (A) Fire Extinguishers shall be inspected and serviced annually by an individual certified by the State of Wyoming. New and serviced fire extinguishers shall have service tags attached showing date of purchase and/or date of service.
    • (B) Fire Extinguishers shall be mounted to the wall at a location near an exit. The top of the fire extinguisher shall not be more than five (5) feet from the floor level. Extinguishers shall not be obstructed or obscured from view. Extinguishers shall not be stored or mounted in cupboards or broom closets.
  • (ii) Emergency numbers shall be located near the telephone in large print.
  • (iii) There shall be an evacuation plan for the removal of residents in case of fire or other emergencies.
    • (A) The evacuation plan shall be posted in a conspicuous place in the building.
    • (B) The evacuation plan shall be discussed with each resident at the time of his/her admission.
    • (C) The new resident shall be conducted through the entire procedure, including the location of all exits, during his first day in the boarding home. This shall be documented in the resident record.
  • (iv) A simulated drill shall be performed every month at irregular hours, and all residents shall participate. A written record of each drill shall be kept on file.

(d) Furnaces shall be approved and shall be cleaned (including filters) as often as necessary to prevent the accumulation of lint and dust. No stove or combustion heater shall be so located as to block escape in case of fire arising from malfunction.

048-8 Wyo. Code R. § 8-14