As used in this regulation, the definitions listed below shall have the following meaning:
BACKFILL: The method and/or materials for replacing excavated material in a trench or pit.
BACKSLOPE: That portion of the roadway template from the bottom of the drainage ditch to a point of intercept near the right-of-way line.
BORE/BORING: The excavation of an underground circular cavity for the insertion of a pipe or other type of conduit.
CARRIER PIPE: The pipe carrying a liquid, gas or slurry commodity.
CASING: A protective pipe enclosing a carrier pipe.
CATHODIC PROTECTION: A method of controlling corrosion on buried metal structures through use of electric current and sacrificial anodes.
CLEAR ZONE: An obstruction free vehicle recovery area adjacent to the road traveled lane. The limits of this area are determined in accordance with the applicable AASHTO and FHWA publications.
COATING: Protective wrapping or mastic cover applied to buried pipe for protection against external corrosion.
COMMISSION: The Wyoming State Highway Commission
CONDUCTOR: Wire carrying electric current.
CONDUIT: A casing or encasement for an electrical conductor or telephone line.
CONTROL OF ACCESS: The regulation covering ingress and egress to a highway and/or its related right-of-way.
COVER: The depth of bury of a facility below natural ground or roadway template.
CROSSING: The utility crossing of the highway R/W, including a parallel encroachment not to exceed 500 feet on other than Interstate Highways.
DEPARTMENT: The Wyoming Highway Department
DISTRICT: Wyoming Highway Department District Office
EASEMENT: A non possessing interest held by one person or company in the land of another whereby the first person is accorded partial use of such land for a specific purpose.
ENCASEMENT: Providing a protective casing.
ENCROACHMENT: Parallel installation within highway right-of-way (Longitudinal) that may include crossings of the roadway template.
ENGINEER: An employee of the Department who has the responsibility for supervision of utility facility installation within the Department's right-of-way.
EXHIBIT: A detailed drawing showing the proposed horizontal and vertical alignment of utility facilities within Department right-of-way, which is attached to and a part of an Occupancy agreement, or Relocation/Adjustment agreement.
HEAVY WALL THICKNESS PIPE: Pipe meeting the industry standard for this specific designation.
FRONTAGE ROAD: A roadway, located parallel to an access controlled highway which provides for ingress and egress to adjacent property and businesses.
FULL ACCESS CONTROL: Federal and state highways where direct access to and from adjoining property has been eliminated and access is only allowed at designated interchanges.
GROUND BED: A component part of a cathodic protection system.
GOVERNMENT FACILITIES: Any facility that serves only governmental functions is considered to be in the public interest and is not classified as a private facility.
HIGHWAY: Any public way used for vehicular traffic, including the associated right-of-way, under the jurisdiction of the Wyoming Highway Commission.
INSLOPE: That portion of the roadway embankment between the edge of the pavement and the bottom of the drainage ditch or its intersection with natural ground.
INSPECTOR: An employee of the Department who has the responsibility for supervision of facility installation within the Department's right-of-way.
JACKING: Pushing a pipe horizontally under a roadway by mechanical means, with or without boring.
JETTING: Pushing a pipe through a roadway embankment using water under pressure to create a cavity ahead of the pipe. (This operation is not allowed on Wyoming highways.)
JOINT USE: The use of pole lines, trenches, duct systems or other facilities by two or more utilities. Also the concept of allowing utility facilities to occupy transportation rights-of-way.
LICENSEE: The applicant for a license to cross or encroach on highway R/W.
LICENSE/LICENSE AGREEMENT: The document used to apply for permission to occupy highway right-of-way which, upon approval by the Department, becomes the permit to do so.
MARKER POLES: A pole placed over or near a buried facility in order to denote the facility's alignment.
MEDIAN: The divider strip between traveled ways carrying traffic in opposite directions.
OCCUPANCY: The presence of utility lines on, over or under the highway right-of-way.
OPERATING POLICY: The policies established by the Department in order to control and assure uniform procedures are followed.
PAVEMENT CUT: The removal of an area of pavement for the purpose of placing or maintaining a utility facility.
PERMIT: See License/License Agreement.
PRESSURE: The internal force acting radially against the wall of a carrier pipe expressed in pounds per square inch gage (psig).
PRIVATE UTILITY LINES: Those facilities for transmitting, distributing or producing commodities or services by a private individual or individuals for private consumption or consumption by a group of private individuals and not serving the general public.
PUBLIC UTILITY LINES: Those facilities for the purpose of transmitting, distributing or producing communications, cable television, power, electricity, light, heat, gas, oil, crude products, water, steam, waste, storm water not connected with highway drainage, slurry of all types, police or fire signal systems, street lighting systems, any other similar commodity which directly or indirectly serves the public, whether operated by municipalities, counties, cooperatives, private corporations, as well as the various types of districts and Joint Powers Boards organized under applicable state law.
REST AREA: A roadside area for motorist stopping and resting.
RESTORATION: The repair of an area within the highway right-of-way, including fences and drainage facilities, disturbed by construction and/ or maintenance activity of a utility.
RIGHT-OF-WAY or HIGHWAY RIGHT-OF-WAY and abbreviated as R/W: All of the property acquired by the Department for the construction, operation, and maintenance of highways and related facilities whether or not a highway has been constructed thereon.
ROADWAY TEMPLATE: The area of the constructed or proposed road embankment from road center line across the traveled lane(s) and shoulder, then down to a drainage ditch and then up to an intercept with natural ground, in a cut section; or from the shoulder down to an intercept with natural ground, in a fill section.
RURAL AREA: As related to utility accommodation, the term Rural Area refers to any other segment of the State Highway System not defined under Urban Area.
SHOULDER: A portion of the paved roadway adjacent to the traveled lanes.
TRAVELED WAY: That portion of the roadway designated for vehicular traffic, exclusive of the shoulders.
TRENCH: The relatively narrow open excavation for the placement of underground utility facilities.
URBAN AREA: As related to utility accommodation, the term Urban Area is any area where residences or businesses are clustered (not necessarily within a city limits), where frequent approaches, utility lines and drainage facilities are likely to be encountered, and where the potential exists for future widening of the road to a multilane facility.
UTILITY/ UTILITIES: This term denotes all private and public entities, associations, boards, districts, or companies conveying heat, power, natural gas, electricity, communications, cable television, water, sanitary and storm sewer, for public use or consumption. Also included are all companies operating pipelines for transmission and collection of natural gas or other gases, oil and petroleum products, and slurry lines of any sort.
UTILITY LICENSE: See License and License Agreements.
VENT: A pipe used to allow venting into the atmosphere any gases or vapors from an underground casing.
WET BORING: To bore using water under pressure at the cutting auger to soften the earth and to sluice out the excavated material.
045-3 Wyo. Code R. § 3-2