045-5 Wyo. Code R. § 5-23

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 5-23 - Custom Agricultural Operations

(a) Custom agricultural operations means the contracting or for-hire operation of harvesting crops, processing of agriculture products, or fertilizing the soil.

(b) Permit or permission is required before operating oversize and/or overweight vehicles or loads on highways. The carrier shall proceed to the nearest permit issuing authority as listed in Section 4, Permit-issuing Authorities and Types of Permits, to acquire the permit.

(c) The applicant shall declare the highways to be used, the total mileage on those highways, and the size and weight of the vehicles and loads.

(d) A permit may be obtained from any permit issuing authority as listed in Section 4, Permit-issuing Authorities and Types of Permits, and shall be valid for the time necessary to complete the operation or the vehicle leaves the state, whichever occurs first. Borderline operations (20 air miles either direction) requiring trips across the state line shall not invalidate a permit. The seasonal permit will be valid for no more than 90 continuous days from the date of issuance.

  • (i) Separate permits shall be required for each specific harvest season. The fee for oversize will be $25 for a single trip and $50 for a 90 continuous day permit. For vehicles exceeding 15 feet wide, 15 feet high, or a single unit in excess of 75 feet long, a computation of mileage will be required and additional fees computed at 3 cents per foot or fraction thereof for each mile traveled on the highways.
  • (ii) The fee for overweight will be a minimum of $40. The overweight fee is computed at the rate of 6 cents per ton per mile on weight exceeding the statutory limit.

(e) Oversize or overweight permits will be issued only for vehicles or loads meeting non-divisible load requirements. The hauling of combine headers side by side at width exceeding 102 inches ( 8 1/2 feet), but not exceeding 150 inches (12 feet 6 inches) and no single component exceeding 102 inches (8 1/2 feet) shall be allowed on a separate trailer when the width of the properly permitted vehicle is the same or greater than the width of the headers.

(f) In addition to the provisions of Section 8, Safety Measures and Moves, of these rules and regulations, following are safety regulations for oversize movements in custom agricultural operations:

  • (i) Oversize load signs shall not be displayed on motor vehicles, semi- trailers, trailers, and escort vehicles after they have completed the permitted move or when such vehicles being operated do not exceed size limits.
  • (ii) Self-propelled equipment that requires and is properly displaying a slow moving emblem may, instead of oversize signs and flags, display a lighted, revolving amber light, an amber strobe light, or 2 two-way flashing amber lights at least 4 inches in diameter on the vehicle. LED assemblies meeting the visibility requirements shall be allowed. These lights shall be clean and clearly visible at least 1,000 feet from the front and rear of the vehicle.
  • (iii) Motor vehicles constructed or loaded so as to obstruct the driver's view to the rear from the driver's position shall be equipped as described in Section 8(f) of this chapter of rules and regulations.

045-5 Wyo. Code R. § 5-23