Department property may be offered for public sale by any of the following methods as determined directed by the Director.
(a) Public Auction. When this method is used, notice shall be given by advertising in at least one newspaper of general circulation in the county where the land is located for a minimum of three consecutive weeks prior to sale. This notice shall contain the location of the property, the time and place of sale, conditions of sale and persons to contact to inspect the property.
(b) Sale by Sealed Bid. When this method is used notice of sale will be given by advertising in at least one newspaper of general circulation in the county where the land is located for a minimum of three consecutive weeks prior to the advertised date for accepting bids. This notice shall contain the locations of the property and persons to contact to inspect the property. Bids shall be received on Department forms which shall contain a description of the property, conditions of sale, and time and location where bids will be publicly opened.
045-25 Wyo. Code R. § 25-10