038-2 Wyo. Code R. § 2-2

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 2-2 - Corrupt Practices

(a) Any licensed person found guilty of any dishonest or corrupt practice, fraudulent act, or other conduct detrimental to a pari-mutuel event, including bookmaking or touting, committed while within or without any Permittee grounds, may be ruled off all grounds under the jurisdiction of the Commission, and it shall be the duty of the Stewards and those authorized by them to exclude from all places under their jurisdiction persons who commit such offenses or are so ruled off.

(b) Violators of any Rule shall be subject to ejection from the grounds and/or to fine, suspension, or to being ruled off.

(c) No owner or trainer shall harbor on the grounds of a Permittee, engage or retain in his employ any unlicensed person unless that unlicensed person has been issued a badge by the Commission to allow entrance onto the grounds of the Permittee. In addition, each person may be required to sign a waiver of liability as a condition to receiving the badge.

(d) No licensed person shall use obscene, profane or indecent language to a racing or pari-mutuel event official, or any employee or representative of the Commission.

(e) Any person who commits an act on the grounds of any pari-mutuel facility which is patently contrary to the best interest of racing or pari-mutuel events which is in violation of a criminal statute of the United States of America or this state, and classified as a felony shall be subject to administrative action including license revocation, fine or deprivation of patron privileges.

(f) No person shall give, offer, or promise directly or indirectly, either on his own behalf or on behalf of another, any bribe, gift or gratuity in any form to any other person which is intended to influence the outcome of a pari-mutuel event.

(g) No official or his assistant, no owner, trainer, jockey, agent, roper, no person having charge of or access to any event animal, nor any other person shall accept or offer to accept on his own behalf or on behalf of another, any bribe, gift, or gratuity in any form which is intended to influence the outcome of a pari-mutuel event.

(h) No person shall offer or receive money or any other benefit for declaring an entry from a race, or for not entering a race.

(i) No person shall conspire with any other person for the Commission of any corrupt or fraudulent practice in relation to pari-mutuel events nor shall he commit such an act on his own account.

(j) No person shall make a bet for the account of any jockey except the owner or trainer of the horse the jockey is riding, and then only on said horse.

(k) No person shall offer or give a jockey any money or other benefit in relation to a race, unless the person is the owner or trainer of the horse ridden in the race by the jockey.

(l) No electrical or mechanical device or other expedient designed to increase or decrease the speed of a horse (or that would tend to do so) other than the ordinary whip, shall be possessed by anyone or applied by anyone to a horse at any time on the grounds of a Permittee, during an event whether in a race or otherwise. The owner and trainer of a horse upon which such device was used may be subject to penalties of fine, suspension and loss of purse.

(m) Any person other than a veterinarian licensed by the Commission who administers any drug or allows any other person to administer any drugs to a horse within 24 hours prior to the horse participating in a pari-mutuel event , must give notice to the Stewards of the use of the drugs prior to the running of the race or go-round. Any person failing to give notice shall be fined and/or suspended and/or his license revoked.

(n) No person shall, while on the grounds where horse or cattle which are eligible for a pari-mutuel event given by a Permittee, have in his possession any drugs; hypodermic syringes, needles or similar instruments which may be used for injection; or any electrical, mechanical, or other appliance or thing which might affect the speed or actions of horses or cattle except:

  • (i) A veterinarian authorized to practice at the permitted event or a person other than a veterinarian who possesses the above mentioned items for an existing emergency and as prescribed by a veterinarian, or
  • (ii) Any licensed person may have in his possession on the grounds any chemical substance for use on his own person, provided that, if the chemical substance is prohibited from being dispensed by any Federal law or law of this state without a prescription, he is in possession of documentary evidence that a valid prescription for such chemical substance has been issued to him, or
  • (iii) Any licensed person may have in his possession on the grounds any hypodermic syringe or needle for the purpose of administering a chemical substance to himself, provided that he has notified the State Steward:
    • (1) of his possession of such device,
    • (2) of the size of such device, and
    • (3) of the chemical substance to be administered by such device, or
  • (iv) As permitted by the Stewards or the authorized representative of the Commission in writing.

    Any licensed person so offending shall be fined and/or suspended and/or ruled off and/or his license revoked.

(o) With reasonable suspicion, the Commission through its employees or agents, or authorized employees of the permittee may search and inspect for prohibited medication, drugs, drug paraphernalia, or any electrical or mechanical equipment usable to affect the condition of any animal on a permitted event grounds, or the racing condition of a horse or any other item prohibited by these rules, at any time without notice:

  • (i) Association stables, receiving barns, the paddock, jockey's room, supply rooms, blacksmith and similar service shops or areas, including living quarters, or private vehicles located within enclosures of the Permittee grounds, and
  • (ii) The person of any licensee while upon the Permittee's grounds in the prescribed areas described in the preceding subparagraph.

(p) Any action or substance, drugs or otherwise, which may interfere with the testing procedure is forbidden.

(q) A trainer/roper shall be the absolute insurer of and responsible for the condition of the horses entered in a race or permitted event, regardless of the acts of third parties. Should the chemical or other analysis of blood or urine sample, or other tests, prove positive, showing a presence of any narcotic stimulant, depressant, foreign substance or drug of any kind or description, the trainer of the horse may, in the discretion of the Commission, have and receive any or all of the following penalties: be fined, suspended, his license revoked or ruled off, and in addition the owner of the horse and any other person or persons shown to have had the care or attendance of the horse, may in the discretion of the Commission, have any or all of the following penalties inflicted: be fined, suspended, his license revoked, or ruled off.

The owner or owners of any horse or horses disqualified by reason of violating the absolute insurer rule shall be denied and/or shall promptly return any part of the purse or sweepstakes or any trophy or prize received and the same shall be redistributed by order of the Stewards. If a jockey is penalized for possession or use of an electrical or mechanical device during a race, the owner may be denied any purse or award won in that race.

(r) No person shall improperly tamper or attempt to tamper with any animal in such a way as to affect its performance in a permitted event, nor shall he counsel or in any way aid or abet any such tampering.

(s) No person shall assume or pay, directly or indirectly, a fine imposed upon another without consent of the Commission.

(t) No jockey's attendant (valet) shall make a bet on any race nor shall he place a bet for anyone else.

(u) No person shall make a hand book of any kind on the grounds of a Permittee.

(v) No person shall solicit for or bet with a hand book of any kind on the grounds of a Permittee.

(w) No person (including licensees) shall refuse to obey reasonable orders of an Official or Security Personnel of the Commission or the Permittee.

(x) The Commission may deny or revoke the license of any applicant or holder who has been convicted of any of the offenses listed below, if the Commission determines that the circumstances of the offense giving rise to the conviction make the applicant's presence a hazard to the regulation and conduct of pari-mutuel events or may reasonably undermine the public confidence in the integrity of pari-mutuel events:

  • (i) Offenses related to drugs or narcotics;
  • (ii) Offenses related to bookmaking;
  • (iii) Offenses related to arranging the outcome of a race, or to any fraud or deception while participating in pari-mutuel activities; or
  • (iv) Offenses related to representations made about any horse, ownership interest in a horse, or lease or sale of any horse.

038-2 Wyo. Code R. § 2-2