A permit shall be issued for. each experiment or activity within a specific period of time, and shall be revocable by the State Engineer upon recommendation of the Board, in accordance with such procedures as the Board shall establish.- (S 9-271, Wyo.-Stat., 1957, as amended by S 1, C..104, S.,L. of Wo..1.971.) (Amended, MAY2 3 1971
a. A fee of Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00) shall be charged for each permit, or renewal thereof, so, issued. (S 9-2 ' 71,,Wyo. Stat. 1957, as amended by S 1, C..104.-.S. L. of Wyo. 1971.) (Amended..
b. A permit shall be issued only to a person or persons who can demonstrate to the Board's satisfaction, that he has or they have adequate qualifications in the atmospheric sciences, pursuant to 5 9-271, Wyoming Statutes 1957, as amended by S 1, Chapter, 104, Session Laws of Wyoming 1971. (Amended MAY 2 (5), 1971
c. Said permit will be issued for a 1-year period, extending from October 1 of one (1) year to September 30 of the following year. All permit' s shall terminate on September 30. The granting of a-permit shall not guarantee the holder thereof any right of-renewal whatsoever.
037-2 Wyo. Code R. § 2-3