The division superintendents are authorized to issue temporary changes of points of diversion or changes of location for ground water wells for short periods of time up to a maximum of one water use season. The affected surface or ground water right must be a valid appropriation. If a well is located in a ground water control area, the division superintendent may approve the temporary change. For these wells, prior to approving a permanent change of well location, the Board will obtain the recommendation of the control area advisory board. The approval for a temporary change shall not be given if the change would result in injury to any other appropriator. The approval of the temporary change does not guarantee that the State Board of Control will approve a permanent change. If a permanent change is to be requested, a proper petition must be filed with the Board during the period of the temporary change. A request for a temporary change must be made on the appropriate form and must be approved in writing by the appropriate division superintendent prior to being made. No increase in water use by a temporary change shall be allowed. The division superintendent will forward copies of all temporary change requests and approvals to the Board's Cheyenne office (see sample form in Appendix A accompanying these Regulations and Instructions).
037-5 Wyo. Code R. § 5-22