a. If the source of supply is a spring, a diversion of the water from the spring must be made through an artificial means of conveyance to the point of beneficial use. This may be done by a ditch, pipeline, or other conduit; and in the case of stock watering, the water may be made available to livestock in ponds, troughs, or tanks.
b. The cleaning out and protection of a spring from contamination does not constitute a diversion, but may be done in connection with a diversion if necessary.
c. Under certain conditions, a spring may qualify as a ground water development. If the flow from the spring does not exceed 25 g.p.m, (0.056 CFS) and is for stock or domestic purposes only, the ground water application procedure may be used. Springs flowing in excess of 25 g.p.m. (0,056 CFS) for stock purposes only may be filed under special provisions of the law, set forth in Chapter VI, Section 8, page 49 of this Manual,
037-3 Wyo. Code R. § 3-6