034-6 Wyo. Code R. § 6-3

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 6-3 - Beneficence

This principle expresses the concept that professionals have a duty to act for the benefit of others. Under this principle, the dentist's primary obligation is the competent and timely delivery of dental care within the bounds of clinical circumstances presented by the patient, with due consideration being given to the needs, desires, and values of the patient. The same ethical considerations apply whether the dentist engages in fee-for-service, managed care or some other practice arrangement. Dentists may choose to enter into contracts governing the provisions of care to a group of patients; however, contract obligations do not excuse dentists from their ethical duty to put the patient's welfare first.

(a) Community Service. Since dentists have an obligation to use their skills, knowledge and experience for the improvement of the dental health of the public and are encouraged to be leaders in their community, dentists involved in such service shall conduct themselves in such a manner as to maintain or elevate the esteem of the profession.

(b) Government of a Profession. Every profession owes society the responsibility to regulate itself. Such regulation is achieved largely through the influence of the professional societies. All dentists, therefore, have the dual obligation of making themselves a part of a professional society and of observing its rules of ethics.

(c) Research and Development. Dentists have the obligation of making the results and benefits of their investigative efforts available to all when they are useful in safeguarding or promoting the health of the public.

(d) Patents and Copyrights. Patents and copyrights may be secured by dentists provided that such patents and copyrights shall not be used to restrict research or practice.

(e) Abuse and Neglect. Dentists shall become familiar with the signs of abuse and neglect and to report suspected cases to the proper authorities, consistent with state laws.

034-6 Wyo. Code R. § 6-3

Amended, Eff. 4/7/2015.

Amended, Eff. 9/26/2017.