(a) Pathogens - biosolids. - (i) The Class A pathogen requirements in Section 31(a) or the Class B pathogen requirements and site restrictions in Section 31(b) shall be met when bulk biosolids are applied to agricultural land, forest, a public contact site, or a reclamation site.
- (ii) The Class A pathogen requirements in Section 31(a) shall be met when bulk biosolids are applied to a lawn or a home garden.
- (iii) The Class A pathogen requirements in Section 31(a) shall be met when biosolids are sold or given away in a bag or other container for application to the land.
(b) Pathogens - domestic septage. The requirements in either Section 31(c) (i) or Section 31(c) (ii) shall be met when domestic septage is applied to agricultural land, forest, or a reclamation site. Compliance with the conditions of a General Statewide Permit for Land Application of Domestic Septage In Remote Areas, see Appendix C, are considered equivalent to these pathogen requirements.
(c) Vector attraction reduction - biosolids. - (i) One of the vector attraction reduction requirements in Section 32(f) through Section 32(p) shall be met when bulk biosolids are applied to agricultural land, forest, a public contact site, or a reclamation site.
- (ii) One of the vector attraction reduction requirements in Section 32(f) through Section 32(m) shall be met when bulk biosolids are applied to a lawn or a home garden.
- (iii) One of the vector attraction reduction requirements in Section 32(f) through Section 32(m) shall be met when biosolids are sold or given away in a bag or other container for application to the land.
(d) Vector attraction reduction - domestic septage. The vector attraction reduction requirements in Section 32(n), or (o) and (p), or 32(r) shall be met when domestic septage is applied to agricultural land, forest, or a reclamation site. Compliance with the conditions of a General Statewide Permit for Land Application of Domestic Septage In Remote Areas, see Appendix C, are considered equivalent to the vector attraction requirements.