(a) Any person who prepares biosolids shall ensure that the applicable requirements in this chapter are met when the biosolids are applied to the land or placed on a surface disposal site. This requirement can be met through a written agreement between the preparer and applier ensuring all applicable requirements of this chapter are met or a separate permit for the applier.
(b) In accordance with 40 CFR 503.12, any person who prepares bulk biosolids outside of the State of Wyoming that are to be applied to land within the State of Wyoming shall provide written notice to the Department of Environmental Quality, Water Quality Division prior to the initial application of bulk biosolids. The notice shall include the following:
(c) Any person who intends to land apply biosolids that are prepared outside of the State of Wyoming shall obtain a land application permit from the Department of Environmental Quality, Water Quality Division prior to application of the biosolids or ensure that the applicable requirements in this chapter are met when the biolsolids are applied to the land or surface disposed by a written agreement with the applier.
020-15 Wyo. Code R. § 9