020-13 Wyo. Code R. § 13-18

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 13-18 - Prohibitions

(a) No person, except when authorized by a permit issued pursuant to the Wyoming Environmental Quality Act and this chapter, shall:

  • (i) Cause, threaten or allow the discharge of any pollution or wastes into any groundwaters of the State;
  • (ii) Alter the physical, chemical, radiological, biological or bacteriological properties of the waters of the state; or
  • (iii) Construct, install, or operate any discharge system capable of causing or contributing to pollution of groundwaters of the State.

(b) No person shall:

  • (i) Conduct any authorized injection activity in a manner that results in a violation of any permit condition or representations made in the application. A permit condition supersedes any application content;
  • (ii) Conduct any authorized injection activity in a manner that results in a movement of fluids out of the receiver, including, but not limited to:
    • (A) No zone or interval other than that represented as the discharge zone in the permit shall be used as a receiver for the discharge;
    • (B) No uncased hole may be used as a conduit for the discharge, excepting that portion of a hole in the discharge zone; or
    • (C) No annular space between the wall of the hole and casing in the hole may be used as a conduit for the discharge, excepting in that portion of a hole in the discharge zone; and
  • (iii) Construct, install, modify or improve an authorized injection facility except in compliance with the permit requirements.

(c) All Class IV wells are prohibited.

(d) No solvent wastes which are listed hazardous waste numbers F001, F002, F003, F004, or F005 under 40 CFR 261.31 shall be injected underground in any class I well unless those wastes are waste solvent mixtures that do not exceed or are treated to not exceed the standards listed in Appendix A.

(e) No dioxin containing wastes which are listed hazardous waste number F020, F021, F022, F023, F026, F027 or F028 under 40 CFR 261.31 shall be injected underground in any well unless those wastes do not exceed, or are treated to not exceed the standards listed in Appendix B.

(f) Treatment to meet appendix A or B limitations shall be accomplished according to a state hazardous waste treatment permit issued by the department. Dilution is prohibited as a substitute for treatment of wastes listed in subsections (d) and (e) above.

(g) No person shall inject any hazardous waste which has been banned from land disposal pursuant to 40 CFR 268.41 or department regulations, as applicable, unless:

  • (i) The hazardous waste has first been treated to a concentration of less than the levels specified in 40 CFR 268.41 or 40 CFR 268 Appendix I, or department regulations, as applicable; or
  • (ii) An exemption petition has been submitted and approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under 40 CFR 148.20, or department regulations, as applicable. After approval of such a petition, the operator is required to comply with all conditions contained as part of the granting of the petition.

020-13 Wyo. Code R. § 13-18