020-13 Wyo. Code R. § 13-10

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 13-10 - Special permit conditions for hazardous waste wells

All Class I hazardous waste wells permitted under this chapter shall be subject to the special permit conditions listed in this section in addition to the conditions applicable to all Class I well permits in Section 9 of this chapter.

(a) All hazardous waste injection permits issued under this chapter shall include the following conditions:

  • (i) A requirement that the operator shall maintain a casing/tubing annulus pressure that exceeds the operating injection pressure, unless the administrator determines that such a requirement might harm the integrity of the well. The fluid used in the casing/tubing annulus shall be noncorrosive, and shall contain a corrosion inhibitor.
  • (ii) A requirement that the operator shall follow special procedures when wastes have the potential to react with the injection formation or to generate gases either during or after injection. These procedures may take the form of special permit conditions that limit the temperature or pH of the injected waste and require the operator to follow procedures necessary to assure that pressure imbalances which might cause a backflow or blowout do not occur.
  • (iii) A requirement that the operator shall install, maintain, and use continuous recording devices to monitor the injection pressure, flow rate, temperature, of injected fluids and pressure on the casing/tubing annulus, and shall install and use automatic alarm and shut-off systems designed to shut down the well when pressures, flow rates, and other parameters approved by the administrator exceed the range specified in the permit.
  • (iv) A requirement that the operator have a trained operator onsite at all times the well is operating.
  • (v) A requirement that if an automatic alarm or shutdown is triggered, the operator shall immediately investigate and identify as early as possible, the cause of the alarm or shutdown. If, upon such investigation, or if required monitoring indicates, that the well is lacking in mechanical integrity, the operator shall:
    • (A) Cease all injections of waste fluids immediately;
    • (B) Take all necessary steps to determine the presence or absence of a leak; and
    • (C) Notify the administrator within twenty-four (24) hours after the alarm or shutdown, using procedures and criteria listed in paragraph 20 of Section 9(d)(xx) in this chapter.
    • (D) The operator shall restore and demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the administrator, mechanical integrity, prior to resuming injection activities.
  • (vi) A requirement that whenever the operator obtains evidence that there may have been a release of injected wastes into an unauthorized zone, regardless of whether or not an automatic alarm or shutdown was triggered, the operator shall:
    • (A) Immediately cease all injection activities;
    • (B) Notify the administrator pursuant to the procedures outlined in paragraph 20 of Section 9 in this chapter. In addition to the information required by paragraph 20, the operator shall also include, as part of the written submission, a proposed remedial action plan, designed to minimize the adverse impact of the unauthorized release;
    • (C) Comply with the requirements of any remedial action plan approved by the administrator; and
    • (D) Where the unauthorized release is into a Class I aquifer, as classified under Chapter VIII, Quality Standards for Wyoming Groundwaters, Water Quality Rules and Regulations, which is currently serving as a water supply, the operator shall place a notice, describing the unauthorized release and the actions taken, in a newspaper of general circulation in the locality of the release.
    • (E) The administrator may allow the operator to resume injection prior to completion of cleanup operations if the operator demonstrates, to the satisfaction of the administrator, that the injection activity will not endanger any Underground Source of Drinking Waters.
  • (vii) A requirement that the operator notify the administrator and obtain his approval prior to conducting any well workover.
  • (viii) A requirement that the operator comply with the following federal regulations contained in 40 CFR 264 or applicable state hazardous waste regulations:
    • (A) Identification numbers;
    • (B) Recordkeeping and reporting for manifested wastes;
    • (C) Manifest discrepancies;
    • (D) Operating record requirements;
    • (E) Annual reporting requirements and unmanifested waste reports; and
    • (F) Personnel training requirements.
  • (ix) When abandonment is completed, the operator must submit to the administrator certification by the operator and certification by an independent registered professional engineer that the facility has been closed in accordance with the specifications detailed in the closure plan in Section 16 of this chapter.

020-13 Wyo. Code R. § 13-10