(a) Scope and purpose. An engineering design report shall be submitted with each application. The purpose of the report shall be to describe and provide technical justification for all aspects of the proposed construction, modifications and/or installations. The report should address existing conditions (if any), known or suspected problems, proposed actions, and the reasoning used to arrive at those proposed actions. There is no minimum or maximum size for the report, provided it meets the purpose of this section.
(b) Water distribution (water works) systems. The engineering design report for all new water distribution system extensions shall include: - (i) A description of the service area including scaled vicinity plan map(s) of the project with regard to adjacent and proposed development, elevations, and topographic features.
- (ii) Current and projected system water demand for average day, maximum day, maximum hour, needed fire flows and per capita maximum daily flows.
- (iii) Information on fire protection and fire flow capabilities of the proposed system.
- (iv) Description of high service pumping systems and finished water storage facilities.
(c) Treatment facilities. The engineering design report shall include: - (i) A description of the facility site and location, including a scaled site plan, and:
- (A) Present and projected facility property boundaries.
- (B) Flood protection indicating predicted elevation of 25- and 100-year flood stages. The facility shall be protected from damage and be capable of being operated during the 100-year flood or maximum flood of record, whichever is greater. Flooding resulting from ice jams shall be considered.
- (C) Present and proposed access.
- (D) Distances from current habitation, the closest major treated water transmission line, the closest treated water storage facility, and the water source.
- (E) Fencing and/or security.
- (F) Topographic features and contours with indicated datum.
- (G) Soil and subsurface geological characteristics. Provide a soils investigation report of the proposed site suitable for structural design of the proposed facilities.
- (ii) A detailed description of the service area for the project including a scaled plan showing land use and boundaries.
- (iii) A detailed description of the recycle flows and procedures for reclamation of recycle streams.
- (iv) A detailed description of disposal techniques for settled solids, including a description of the ultimate disposal of sludge.
- (v) Sources of water supply shall be described to include:
- (A) Groundwater sources.
- (I) Geology of aquifer and overlying strata.
- (II) Summary of source exploration data, including test well depth and method of construction; test pumping rates and duration; and water levels and specific yield.
Water quality, including biological, radiological and chemical quality data sufficient to determine necessary treatment processes and compliance with all drinking water standards as determined by the administrator. The same water quality data for all secondary sources shall also be provided.
- (III) Sources of possible contamination around well and in any known recharge areas, including location of any waste sites, industrial facilities and wastewater disposal areas.
- (B) Surface water sources.
- (I) Safe annual yield, the quantity of water available from the source during the average and driest years of record.
- (II) Hydrological data, stream flows and diversion records.
- (III) Representative water quality data, including bacteriological, radiological, chemical and physical data. These data shall be sufficient to determine the necessary process and the ability to meet water quality standards.
- (IV) Description of the watershed noting sources of potential contamination.
- (V) Description of any anticipated changes in water quality.
- (VI) Description of any diversion dams, impoundments or reservoirs and appurtenances.
- (vi) Plant design conditions, including:
- (A) Historical and design population.
- (B) Existing and projected maximum daily demand flows and demand variations.
- (C) Complete description of existing facilities.
- (D) Where applicable, a complete description of proposed treatment process including:
- (I) Unit process design criteria addressing flash mixing, flocculation and settling basin size and equipment description; retention times; unit loadings and overflow rates; filter area and proposed filtration rate; backwash rate and volume requirements; chemical feeder capacities and ranges; and disinfection feeder capacities and ranges.
- (II) Chemical requirements, including dosages and feed rates.
- (III) Chemical delivery, handling, and storage systems.
- (IV) Waste generation including types and volumes.
- (V) Waste stream recycling, including holding basin capacities, pump sizes and recycle rates.
- (VI) Methods of ultimate waste disposal.
- (VII) Low service pumping facilities.
- (E) Description of on-site restrooms and sanitary sewer facilities.
- (vii) Summary of automatic operation and control systems, including basic operation, manual override operation, and maintenance requirements.
- (viii) Description of the on-site laboratory facilities and a summary of those tests to be conducted on-site. If no on-site laboratory is provided, a description of plant control and water quality testing requirements, and where the testing will be conducted shall be included. Description of cross control measures to be provided at chemical feed tanks, filters, washdown taps, direct connection to sewer or other relevant protection.
(d) Hazard classification. The engineering design report shall include a hazard classification or specify the default classification identified in Section 14(i) (i) (B) which shall be applicable to the project. A hazard classification shall include the following: - (i) A determination of the degree of hazard of all water service connections to be connected to the proposed project.
- (ii) A determination of the potential cause of backflow for all water service connections.
020-12 Wyo. Code R. § 12-6