020-10 Wyo. Code R. § 10-5

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 10-5 - Solid Waste Screening Standards

(a) Screening mechanisms required: Each facility shall screen incoming wastes to detect and remove prohibited wastes received at the facility in violation of paragraph (b) of this section. The facility shall use the following mechanisms:

  • (i) Mandatory visual screening of all wastes received at the facility. This mandatory visual screening shall occur at the facility following receipt of wastes, but prior to processing by grinding, shredding, incineration, or composting. Baled or compacted wastes received at the facility shall be broken, separated, and visually inspected to comply with the mandatory visual screening requirement of this paragraph; and
  • (ii) Controls at the political jurisdiction where wastes are collected, so that prohibited wastes are not accepted for transport to the facility.

(b) Prohibited wastes: The following wastes are prohibited from receipt at the facility:

  • (i) Liquid wastes, excluding:
    • (A) Liquids which may be associated with containers of products which are typically used by households; or
    • (B) Liquid wastes or sludges which have been specifically approved for receipt at the facility by the Chapter 6 facility permit;
  • (ii) Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) at concentrations greater than fifty (50) parts per million, or electrical equipment which may contain, or have contained, such PCBs;
  • (iii) Lead acid batteries;
  • (iv) Any special waste described in Chapter 8 of these rules and regulations, unless the Chapter 6 permit authorizes receipt of such special wastes;
  • (v) Wastes, which because of their appearance, chemical or physical characteristics, and quantity, can reasonably be determined to be hazardous wastes generated by a business other than a conditionally-exempt small quantity generator;
  • (vi) Radioactive wastes; and
  • (vii) Any other waste which is determined by the department to pose such hazards to operation of the facility, its personnel, or to human health and the environment of the state, that requires the waste to be prohibited.

(c) Compliance with approved application plan: The waste screening program shall be carried out as described in the application at all times wastes are being received at the facility.

(d) Non-compliance: Failure of any waste screening program to detect and remove prohibited wastes, as determined by inspection by the department, shall be cause for the department to order cessation of receipt of wastes by the facility, in accord with W.S. 35-11-508(a)(i). The cessation order shall be issued by the department, and shall be reviewed and approved, modified, or revoked by the council in accord with the provisions of W.S. W.S. 35-11-701(c). If approved by the council, the facility shall cease receipt of wastes until a revised waste screening program is approved by the director. This paragraph shall not be construed as limiting the powers of the director to issue emergency orders under W.S. W.S. W.S. 35-11-115, or of the department to pursue remedies under Article 9 of the act.

020-10 Wyo. Code R. § 10-5