020-3 Wyo. Code R. § 3-4

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 3-4 - Disposition of Reclaimed Lands

(a) Prior to the disposition of any acquired land, the Director shall:

  • (i) Publish a notice in a local newspaper describing the proposed disposition for a minimum of 4 successive weeks. The notice shall provide at least 30 days for public comment, state where copies of the plan for disposition may be reviewed or obtained, specify the address for submission of comments, and state that a public hearing will be held if requested or appropriate.
  • (ii) Publish notice of the time and place for any public hearing in a local newspaper at least 30 days before the hearing. All comments received at the hearing shall be recorded.
  • (iii) Make a written recommendation to the Governor that the proposed disposition is appropriate or not, after considering all comments received and any local, State or Federal lava's or regulations which apply. This recommendation shall not constitute a final decision until approved by the Governor.

(b) The State may transfer the administrative responsibility for acquired land to any agency or political subdivision of the State provided that:

  • (i) The transfer is approved by the secretary of the interior, or his designated representative;
  • (ii) The transfer specifies the purpose for which the land may be used consistent with the program; and
  • (iii) The transfer specifies that the responsibility shall revert to the State if the land is not used for the specified purposes.

(c) The disposal provisions of W.S. 35-11-1205(c) (West 2007) shall apply only if such development is consistent with local, State or Federal land use plans, and continued retention or disposal under other provisions is not in the public interest

020-3 Wyo. Code R. § 3-4