019-2 Wyo. Code R. § 2-3

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 2-3 - Late Hires

An incomplete application for an applicant who is a late hire will be accepted if the following criteria are met:

(a) The applicant submits a District Late Hire Documentation Verification Form (DLHDV) along with the incomplete application. This form will not be accepted prior to August 1st of any school year, and

(b) The applicant meets all other application requirements as stated in Section 2, except those specifically stated in the DLHDV, and

(c) If the applicant does not submit the required documentation listed on the DLHDV within 30 calendar days, the application may be cancelled and the applicant forfeits all fees, and

(d) If documentation is received within the specified time period, the validity date of the applicant's License will commence on the postmark date of an incomplete application, as defined in Chapter 2, Section 3 of these rules and regulations received by the Professional Teaching Standards Board.

019-2 Wyo. Code R. § 2-3