014-2 Wyo. Code R. § 2-3

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 2-3 - Registration as an Eligible Miner

(a) To be eligible, an applicant shall submit a completed Board registration form.

(b) The following shall be submitted as evidence of an applicant's eligibility for services:

  • (i) Residency - The applicant shall demonstrate compliance with the requirements of W.S. 30-6-102(f)(v) by submitting any of the following: voter registration, current Wyoming driver's license, current Wyoming identification card, or any other information which verifies residency and is acceptable to the board.
  • (ii) Domicile- The applicant shall meet the requirements of W. S. 30-6-102(f)(iv)
  • (iii) Employment as a miner -The applicant shall demonstrate compliance with the requirements of W.S. W.S. 30-6-102(f)(ii) by submitting any of the following - Employment records, W-2 forms, pension verification letters, Social Security records, or any other information that is acceptable to the board and verifies the applicant's employment as a miner.

(c) Upon acceptance of the miner's qualified application, the Board shall issue a Miners Hospital Program identification Card.

(d) The Board may require renewal of registrations to comply with statute, rules, or policy changes. A miner who fails to renew a registration on or before the renewal deadline is not eligible for benefits. A miner may re-register after the deadline if the miner continues to meet the eligibility requirements but shall not be eligible for benefits during any period in which the miner was not registered.

014-2 Wyo. Code R. § 2-3

Amended, Eff. 1/8/2016.