(a) The executive director may purchase or provide necessary capital equipment, supplies and services for the Board to a maximum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) per purchase. Aggregate purchases of supplies and equipment shall be made so as to not exceed the maximum. Capital purchases in excess of that amount are subject to the approval of the Board.
(b) Board members, the executive director and the secretary shall present vouchers and requests for payment in accordance with the policies and procedures of the Wyoming State Auditor's Office.
(c) The Board Chairperson or his designated representative shall be authorized to approve vouchers and requests for payment consistent with the policies and procedures of the Wyoming State Auditor's Office with board approval. The Chairperson may, with a vote of approval of the Board, designate, in writing, another member of the Board who may approve vouchers and requests for payment in accordance with the policies and procedures of the Wyoming State Auditor's Office.
014-1 Wyo. Code R. § 1-8
Amended, Eff. 1/8/2016.