(a) Information required for licensing. Applicants for a grain warehouse license shall provide the Department with all information as described within the grain warehouse licensing forms.
(b) Trucking companies. Trucking companies that handle grain for commercial storage or solicit grain for commerce are warehouses and shall be licensed as such in accordance with W.S. 11-11-101 through 11-11-121.
(c) Grain Processing establishments. Grain processing establishments holding grower owned grain or seed in storage for future sale shall be licensed in accordance with W.S. W.S. W.S. 11-11-103. Grain processing establishments that take in grain without storage agreements, and which hold the grain for less than four ( 4) business days, are exempt from warehouse licensing.
(d) Posting of license. Upon receipt, the warehouse or warehouseman shall post the license, renewal, extension or modification in a conspicuous place in each place of business and in any other places the Department may determine.
(e) Return of suspended or terminated license. Any license issued to a warehouse or warehouseman which has lapsed or been suspended, revoked or canceled by the Department shall immediately be returned to the Department. The license shall be returned to the warehouse or warehouseman to whom it was originally issued at the expiration of any period of suspension and shall be posted as required by Section 4 Subsection (d) of these regulations.
(f) Suspension due to neglect. If inspection or other information indicates that the commodities in storage are deteriorating due to neglect of the warehouse or warehouseman the Department may issue a temporary cease and desist order in accordance with W.S. W.S. W.S. 11-11-120.
(g) Loss of license. Upon receipt of satisfactory proof of the loss or destruction of a license issued to a warehouse or warehouseman, the Department may issue a duplicate license using the same number.
010-17 Wyo. Code R. § 17-4