Required rule documents that propose to create, amend, or repeal existing rules shall be sent to the Governor's Office for initial approval a minimum of ten (10) working days prior to filing the proposed rules with the Registrar of Rules. Upon approval from the Governor's Office:
(a) An agency promulgating rules shall use the Administrative Rules System to submit their proposed rules consisting of: - (i) Proposed Rules Packet PDF containing the:
- (A) Notice of intent to promulgate rules;
- (B) Statement of principal reasons for adoption of rules;
- (C) Clean copy of each proposed rule chapter; and
- (D) Strike and underscore copy of each proposed rule chapter.
- (ii) Word (.docx) copy of the strike and underscore copy of each proposed rule chapter.
(b) When the proposed rule packet receives approval as to form by the Registrar of Rules: - (i) The packet shall be immediately delivered, via the Administrative Rules System, to the Governor, Attorney General, and Legislative Service Office thereby eliminating paper delivery;
- (ii) The packet will be delivered to individuals requesting notice, via GovDelivery, of proposed rulemaking; and
- (iii) Individuals will be able to immediately comment on the proposed rules by using the public comment link available on the Administrative Rules System.
(c) Rules that propose to amend existing rules shall be prepared in the following format: - (i) New language being added shall be underscored;
- (ii) Deletions of existing language shall be shown by striking through the deleted language;
- (iii) If amendments are pervasive, strike and underscore are not required, but are still preferred. If strike and underscore are not used:
- (A) Approval from the Attorney General's Office must be stated on the Notice of Intent form; and
- (B) The Statement of Reasons or other accompanying documents must clearly show the type of changes made and specifically include all substantive deletions and additions with appropriate citations to the sections affected.