(a) Form in Which Rules Shall be Prepared.
(b) Arrangement of Rules. Arrangement of rules shall be in the following format:
EXAMPLE Chapter 1
- 1. Sample The first or only section in a rule shall be identified as Section 1, and any following sections shall be identified by Arabic numerals in sequence. Continue the second line of each paragraph or subdivision all the way back to the left margin.
In order to follow the format of the statutes:
- (a) Subsections (divisions of sections) shall be identified by lower case letters in parentheses as: (a), (b), (c), etc. Each subsection shall be indented to the next tab.
- (i) Paragraphs
- (A) Subparagraphs
- (I) Subdivisions of subparagraphs - upper case Roman numbers
- (1.)
- a.
- (1.)
- (I) Subdivisions of subparagraphs - upper case Roman numbers
- (A) Subparagraphs
- (i) Paragraphs
- (a) Subsections (divisions of sections) shall be identified by lower case letters in parentheses as: (a), (b), (c), etc. Each subsection shall be indented to the next tab.
(c) When an agency amends a rule, it may choose to publish for public comment only the section being amended. However, when submitting proposed rules and final rules to the Governor, Attorney Generals Office, Legislative Service Office and the Wyoming Secretary of State's Office, it shall submit the entire chapter. The electronic copy must also include the entire chapter. Agencies must also submit the final amended rules in a strike and underscore format to the Governor, the Legislative Service Office, and the Attorney General, except as provided under Section 5(a) above.
002-1 Wyo. Code R. § 1-6