Section PSC 3.03 - Applications for compensation(1) Any person may apply to the commission for intervenor compensation under this chapter. Applications for intervenor compensation relating to a particular proceeding shall be received by the commission not more than 15 days after the prehearing conference, or if there is no prehearing conference, 30 days before the hearing. The commission may extend these time limits for good cause shown or on its own motion.(2) The application for compensation shall be on a form supplied by the commission upon request and shall contain the following information:(a) The applicant's name and address. For an organization, the names, addresses and titles of the members of the governing body, and a description of the organization's general purposes, size and structure are required.(b) The proceeding for which the compensation is requested.(c) Specific information about the purpose of the intervention, including a discussion of the issues the applicant plans to address and how they affect the applicant's interest in the proceeding. An explanation is required of the ideas or viewpoints the applicant believes are substantive, novel or significant, and why their presentation contributes to a full and fair determination of the issues involved in the proceeding.(d) A statement of the amount of funds requested, including an itemized statement of the services and expenses to be covered by the requested funds.(e) Financial status of the applicant, including: 1. A revenue and expense summary by program activity, including fund raising, education, research, and lobbying, for the previous and current fiscal years.2. A list of current assets and liabilities, including any uncommitted funds.3. The applicant's official budget for the current fiscal year and a showing of which part of the intervenor's budget will cover expenses related to the proceeding for which compensation has been requested. An explanation why more of the applicant's funds cannot be devoted to the proceeding is required in order to show that participation would cause a significant financial hardship to the applicant.4. The value of non-cash contributions, if any, made by the applicant to further the goals of the intervention.5. For an organization with gross annual revenues of at least $30,000, a description of duties of paid and unpaid staff in relation to program activities of the organization. The commission shall adjust this dollar figure biennially by the Consumer Price Index, as defined in s. 16.004(8) (e) 1, Stats., in 1995 or thereafter, to account for inflation or deflation. The commission shall include a statement showing the current dollar figure with its application forms.(f) A demonstration that the applicant has the ability to represent the interests it espouses, through the expertise of its consultant, its attorney, or itself, in the matter at issue in the proceeding.(g) A list of the other formal commission proceedings in which the applicant plans to participate in the current fiscal year, including the source of funds which will support participation in each proceeding.(3) The applicant shall file an original and 5 copies of the application with the commission and shall serve one copy on each utility involved in the proceeding.Wis. Admin. Code Public Service Commission PSC 3.03
CR Register, May, 1995, No. 473, eff. 6-1-95.The application for compensation [Form PSC DAS-212 (9-91)] is available from the division of administrative services at the commission.
Note: The treatment of ch. PSC 3 first applies to intervenor compensation applications the commission receives on June 1, 1995.