Chapter Opt 3 - Licensure
- Section Opt 3.01 - Scheduling of examination
- Section Opt 3.02 - Application
- Section Opt 3.025 - Reciprocal credentials for service members, former service members, and their spouses
- Section Opt 3.03 - State law examination (Repealed)
- Section Opt 3.04 - Rules of conduct (Repealed)
- Section Opt 3.05 - Controls (Repealed)
- Section Opt 3.06 - Instructions to be followed (Repealed)
- Section Opt 3.07 - Passing scores
- Section Opt 3.08 - Instructions to be followed (Repealed)
- Section Opt 3.09 - Announcement of results (Repealed)
- Section Opt 3.10 - Failure and review (Repealed)
- Section Opt 3.11 - Claim of examination error (Repealed)
- Section Opt 3.12 - Reexamination (Repealed)