Wis. Admin. Code Office of the Commissioner of Insurance, ch. Ins 3, app 4

Current through December 30, 2024
Appendix 4


Dear [Applicant]:

Your recent application for [long-term care insurance] [insurance for care in a nursing home] [insurance for care at home or other community setting] included a "personal worksheet," which asked questions about your finances and your reasons for buying this coverage. For your protection, state law requires us to consider this information when we review your application, to avoid selling a policy to those who may not need coverage.

[Your answers indicate that insurance coverage you applied for may not meet your financial needs. We suggest that you review the information provided along with your application, including the booklet "Guide to Long-Term Care" and the page titled "Things You Should Know Before Buying Long-Term Care Insurance." The Wisconsin Office of the Commissioner of Insurance also has information about long-term care insurance and may be able to refer you to a county Benefit specialist or a Senior Health Insurance Information specialist free of charge who can help you decide whether to buy this policy.]

[You chose not to provide any financial information for us to review.]

Note: Choose the paragraph and bracketed sentences in that paragraph that apply.

We have suspended our final review of your application. If, after careful consideration, you still believe this policy is what you want, check the appropriate box below and return this letter to us within the next 60 days. We will then continue reviewing your application and issue a policy if you meet our medical standards.

If we do not hear from you within the next 60 days, we will close your file and not issue you a policy. You should understand that you will not have any coverage until we hear back from you, approve your application, and issue you a policy.

Please check one box and return in the enclosed envelope.

[] Yes, [although my worksheet indicates that nursing home only or home health care insurance only insurance may not be a suitable purchase,] I wish to purchase this coverage. Please resume review of my application.

Note: Delete the phrase in brackets if the applicant did not answer the questions about income.

[] No, I have decided not to buy a policy at this time.

_______________________________ __________________

(Applicant's Signature) (Date)

Please return to [insurer] at [address] by [date].

Wis. Admin. Code Office of the Commissioner of Insurance, ch. Ins 3, app 4