Wis. Admin. Code Historical Society HS 2.02

Current through December 30, 2024
Section HS 2.02 - Definitions

In this chapter:

(1) "Adequate historical documentation" means information verifiable through at least 2 of the following types of independent sources: church records, deeds, maps, and other written and oral sources.
(2) "Board" means the burial sites preservation board.
(3) "Cataloged burial site" means a piece of land that has a record of having buried human remains and is recorded with the county register of deeds. This shall be the case even if the recorded burial site is untended, abandoned, and has no surface indications of burials.

Note: The Wisconsin Historical Society recognizes that the definition of "Catalogued burial site" in s. HS 2.02(3) conflicts with the definition of "Catalogued" burial site at s. 157.70(1) (c), Stats. Therefore, to carry out its duties under. s. 157.70, Stats. and ch. HS 2, the definition of "Catalogued burial site" at s. HS 2.02(3) shall be disregarded, and all instances of "Catalogued" in ch. HS 2 shall have the meaning given in s. 157.70(1) (c), Stats. This interpretation shall not affect the Catalog of Wisconsin Burial Sites as it exists prior to May 1, 2005.

(4) "Class of burial sites" means burial sites of a particular age, culture, or geographic region.
(5) "Cultural affiliation" means an association with an historic immigrant nationality or ethnic group.
(6) "Direct kinship" means lineal or legal descent, or a spouse.
(7) "Director" means the director of the state historical society of Wisconsin or a formally appointed designee.
(8) "Grave marker" means any surface indication of a burial including stone monuments, spirit houses, wooden crosses, and prehistoric Indian mounds.
(9) "Human remains" means any part of the body of a deceased person in any stage of decomposition in a context indicating substantial evidence for burial.
(10) "Objects related to the burial" means items that were intentionally placed and directly associated with the burial.
(11) "Religious affiliation" means a membership in an organized religion recognized by federal internal revenue service tax exemption or a membership in a traditional Indian religion in Wisconsin, pursuant to federal regulations established under the American Indian Religious Freedom Act, 42 USC, Sec. 1996.
(12) "Skeletal analyst" means an individual who has a graduate degree in archeology, anthropology, or a closely related field and at least one year of full-time professional experience or equivalent specialized training in human osteological research, at least 4 months of supervised analytic experience in the identification, analysis, and interpretation of human osteological remains, and a demonstrated ability to carry research to completion.
(13) "Sufficient contiguous land" means the land within at least 5 feet from any part of the burial site including beds of lakes, streams, and rivers surrounding the burial site necessary to ensure its protection.
(14) "Tribal affiliation" means an association with federally recognized Indian tribes or bands.
(15) "Uncataloged burial site" means any burial site that has not been cataloged according to s. HS 2.03 and is not recorded with the register of deeds.

Wis. Admin. Code Historical Society HS 2.02

Cr. Register, September, 1990, No. 417, eff. 10-1-90.