Chapter DWD 80 - Worker's Compensation
- Section DWD 80.01 - Definitions
- Section DWD 80.02 - Reports
- Section DWD 80.025 - Inspection and copying of records
- Section DWD 80.03 - Compromise
- Section DWD 80.05 - Procedure on claim (Repealed)
- Section DWD 80.06 - Parties
- Section DWD 80.07 - Service
- Section DWD 80.08 - Amendments (Repealed)
- Section DWD 80.09 - Witness attendance; extension of time and postponement (Repealed)
- Section DWD 80.10 - Stipulations
- Section DWD 80.11 - Depositions (Repealed)
- Section DWD 80.12 - Rules of practice; selection of hearing site (Repealed)
- Section DWD 80.13 - Audio recording of formal hearings (Repealed)
- Section DWD 80.14 - Transcripts (Repealed)
- Section DWD 80.15 - Payments after an order
- Section DWD 80.20 - License to appear (Repealed)
- Section DWD 80.21 - Reports by practitioners and expert witnesses
- Section DWD 80.22 - Use of physicians' reports as evidence (Repealed)
- Section DWD 80.23 - Common insurance of employer and third party
- Section DWD 80.25 - Loss of hearing
- Section DWD 80.26 - Loss of vision; determination
- Section DWD 80.27 - Forms
- Section DWD 80.29 - Value of room or meals
- Section DWD 80.30 - Average weekly earnings for members of volunteer fire companies or fire departments
- Section DWD 80.31 - Procedure and claims under ch. 40, Stats (Repealed)
- Section DWD 80.32 - Permanent disabilities
- Section DWD 80.33 - Permanent disabilities; fingertip amputations
- Section DWD 80.34 - Loss of earning capacity
- Section DWD 80.38 - Assessment of administrative expenses
- Section DWD 80.39 - Advance payment of unaccrued compensation
- Section DWD 80.40 - Assessment for unpaid claims of insolvent self-insurer
- Section DWD 80.41 - Computation of monthly salary and reimbursement to retirement fund under s.66.191, 1981 Stats
- Section DWD 80.42 - Vocational rehabilitation; reporting requirement
- Section DWD 80.43 - Fees and costs
- Section DWD 80.44 - Witness fees and travel reimbursement (Repealed)
- Section DWD 80.46 - Contribution to support of unestranged surviving parent
- Section DWD 80.47 - Medical release of employee for restricted work in the healing period
- Section DWD 80.48 - Reassignment of death benefits
- Section DWD 80.49 - Vocational rehabilitation benefits
- Section DWD 80.50 - Computation of permanent disabilities
- Section DWD 80.51 - Computation of weekly wage
- Section DWD 80.52 - Payment of permanent disability where the degree of permanency is disputed
- Section DWD 80.60 - Exemption from duty to insure (self-insurance)
- Section DWD 80.61 - Divided-insurance and partial-insurance requirements under s. 102.31 (1) and (6), for all employers, including contractors working on a wrap-up project
- Section DWD 80.62 - Uninsured employers fund
- Section DWD 80.65 - Notice of cancellation, termination, or nonrenewal
- Section DWD 80.67 - Insurer name change
- Section DWD 80.68 - Payment of benefits under s. 102.59, Stats
- Section DWD 80.70 - Malice or bad faith
- Section DWD 80.72 - Health service fee dispute resolution process
- Section DWD 80.73 - Health service necessity of treatment dispute resolution process