Wis. Admin. Code Trans § Trans 233.08
Note: The National Highway System (NHS) includes the Interstate System, Wisconsin's Corridors 2020 routes, and other important routes. Highways on the NHS base system were designated by the Secretary of USDOT and approved by Congress in the National Highway System Designation Act of 1995. NHS Intermodal Connector routes were added in 1998 with the enactment of the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century. Modifications to the NHS must be approved by the Secretary of USDOT. Guidance criteria and procedures for the functional classification of highways are provided in (1) the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) publication 'Highway Functional Classification-Concepts, Criteria and Procedures" revised in March 1989, and (2) former ch. Trans 76. The federal publication is available on request from the FHWA, Office of Environment and Planning, HEP-10, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590. Former ch. Trans 76 is available from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Division of Transportation Investment Management, Bureau of Planning. The results of the functional classification are mapped and submitted to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) for approval and when approved serve as the official record for Federal-aid highways and one basis for designation of the National Highway System. In general, the highway functional classifications are rural or urban: Principal Arterials, Minor Arterials, Major Collectors, Minor Collectors, and Local Roads. The definition of "level of service" used for this paragraph is the same as in ss. Trans 210.03(4) and 210.05(1) for purposes of the MAJOR HIGHWAY PROJECT NUMERICAL EVALUATION PROCESS. In general, the "level of service" refers to the ability of the facility to satisfy both existing and future travel demand. Six levels of service are defined for each type of highway facility ranging from A to F, with level of service A representing the best operating conditions and level of service F the worst. Department engineers will use the procedures outlined in the general design consideration guidelines in Chapter 11, Section 5 of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation's Facilities Development Manual to determine the level of highway service. Under the rule as effective February 1, 1999, s. Trans 233.08(1) provides 4 ways to erect something in a setback area (1) for utilities, follow the procedures set forth in the rule, (2) obtain a variance (now "special exception"), (3) for utilities, get local approval for utilities on or adjacent to connecting highways, or for utilities within the right of way of state trunk highways, get department approval (a mere "technical" exception), and (4) erect something that doesn't fall within the definition of "structure" or within the definition of "improvement." The provision below now adds a fifth "exception," (5) be 15 feet or more outside the right of way line of a defined and mapped set of highways.
Note: For example, if a service road ROW extends 15 feet (measured perpendicularly to the setback) into the setback determined under sub. (2), and runs for a distance of 100 feet, the setback determined under sub. (2) shall be pushed 15 feet further from the centerline, running for a distance of 100 feet. See Graphic.
Note: For purposes of this section, "major utility erection or installation work" includes, but is not limited to, work involving transmission towers, communication towers, water towers, pumping stations, lift stations, regulator pits, remote switching cabinets, pipelines, electrical substations, wells, gas substations, antennae, satellite dishes, treatment facilities, electrical transmission lines and facilities of similar magnitude. "Routine minor utility erection or installation work" refers to single residential distribution facilities and similar inexpensive work of less magnitude. The concept behind the flexible, "normal time of 30 days" standard for utility submission of notice and plans to the department is to encourage and require at least 60 days notice from utilities for larger, complex or expensive installations, but not for routine, minor utility work that has traditionally involved only a few days notice for coordination and issuance of utility permits by the department for which a minimum of 5 days notice is mandatory. However, the normal time for submission and review is 30 days. This notice and plan requirement does not apply to maintenance work on existing utilities.
Note: A "connecting highway" is not a state trunk highway. It is a marked route of the state trunk highway system over the streets and highways in municipalities which the Department has designated as connecting highways. Municipalities have jurisdiction over connecting highways and are responsible for their maintenance and traffic control. The Department is generally responsible for construction and reconstruction of the through lanes of connecting highways, but costs for parking lanes and related municipal facilities and other desired local improvements are local responsibilities. See ss. 84.02(11), 84.03(10), 86.32(1) and (4), and 340.01(60), Stats. A listing of connecting highways and geographic end points are available in the department's "Official State Trunk Highway System and the Connecting Highways" booklet that is published annually as of December 31.
Note: The Department will make the general and detailed maps readily available to the public on the internet and through other effective means of distribution.
Note: Technical figures 2, 3, 3m, 4, 4m, 5, 6 and 6m within Procedure 11-10-5 have various dates other than June 10, 1998 or are undated.
"No improvements or structures are allowed between the right-of-way line and the highway setback line. Improvements and structures include, but are not limited to, signs, parking areas, driveways, wells, septic systems, drainage facilities, buildings and retaining walls. It is expressly intended that this restriction is for the benefit of the public as provided in section 236.293, Wisconsin Statutes, and shall be enforceable by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation or its assigns. Contact the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for more information. The phone number may be obtained by contacting the County Highway Department."
If on a CSM there is limited space for the above restriction on the same sheet that shows the setback line, then the following abbreviated restriction may be used with the standard restriction placed on a subsequent page: "Caution - Highway Setback Restrictions Prohibit Improvements. See sheet ______."
Wis. Admin. Code Department of Transportation Trans 233.08