Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 13.04

Current through December 30, 2024
Section NR 13.04 - Restrictions and department authority
(1) DEPARTMENT AUTHORITY. The following statutory and administrative code provisions are unaffected by Lac Courte Oreilles v. Voigt, 700 F. 2d 341 (7th Cir. 1983):
(a)Statutory provisions.
1. Sections 23.09 and 23.11, Stats. Powers of the department.
2. Section 23.10, Stats. Conservation wardens.
3. Section 23.115, Stats. Designation of trails, etc.
4. Section 23.15, Stats. Sale of state owned lands under the jurisdiction of the department of natural resources.
5. Section 23.27, Stats. Natural areas; definitions; importance; inventory; acquisition; sales.
6. Section 23.28, Stats. State natural areas; designated state natural areas.
7. Section 23.29, Stats. Wisconsin natural areas heritage program.
8. Section 23.30, Stats. Outdoor recreation program.
9. Section 23.305, Stats. Leasing of department land for recreational purposes.
10. Section 23.31, Stats. Recreation resources facilities.
11. Section 23.32, Stats. Wetlands mapping.
12. Section 26.07, Stats. Money, how disposed of.
13. Section 26.08, Stats. Leases and licenses.
14. Section 26.22, Stats. Sales, etc.
15. Section 26.30, Stats. Forest insects and diseases; department jurisdiction; procedure.
16. Chapter 28, Stats. Public forests.
17. Section 29.011, Stats. Title to wild animals.
18. Section 29.927, Stats. Public nuisances (modified by s. NR 13.05(4)).
19. Section 29.934, Stats. Sale of confiscated game and apparatus.
20. Section 29.043, Stats. Interstate comity.
21. Section 29.041, Stats. Department to regulate hunting and fishing in interstate waters.
22. Section 29.024 and 29.193, Stats. Hunting, trapping and fishing; licenses and other approvals; issuance. (applicable only when a license or approval is required)
23. Section 29.563(11) (b) 1, Stats. Hunter education and firearm safety; instruction fee; certificate of accomplishment.
24. Section 29.563(5) (a) 1, Stats. Guide license.
25. Section 29.563(6), Stats. Trapping and fur dealer licenses and taxidermist permits.
26. Section 29.563(7) (c), Stats. Wholesale fish dealer license.
27. Section 29.092(8) (c) through (f), Stats. Relating to private fish hatchery fees.

Note: 1997 Wis. Act 248 repealed s. 29.092(8) (c) to (f), Stats.

28. Section 29.563(9), Stats. Bird and game farms, related activities and wildlife in captivity; licenses, tag; permits.

Note: 2001 Wis. Act 56 repealed s. 29.563(9), Stats., except s. 29.563(9) (a) 1 which was renumbered 29.563 (7) (c) 5m.

29. Section 29.563(11) (a) 1, Stats. Scientific collector permit.
30. Section 29.563(12), Stats. Fees for duplicate approvals (applicable only when a license or approval is required).
31. Section 29.563(14) (c), Stats. Issuing fee (applicable only when a license or approval is required).
32. Section 29.569, Stats. Fish and wildlife; effective periods; restrictions (applicable only when a license or approval is required).
33. Section 29.509(1) (a), Stats. Relating to the definition of bait.
34. Section 29.137(5), Stats. Relating to department rule authority for taking, handling, and storing of bait.

Note: 1997 Wis. Act 248 repealed s. 29.137(5), Stats.

35. Section 29.509(5), Stats. Relating to issuance of permits for taking bait.
36. Section 29.509(6), Stats. Relating to bait from private fish hatcheries.
37. Section 29.614, Stats. Scientific collector permit.
38. Sections 29.014, 29.035, 29.037, 29.053, and 29.192, Stats. Conservation of fish and game; powers of department.
39. Section 29.039, Stats. Nongame species.
40. Section 29.591, Stats. Hunter education and firearm safety programs; certificate of accomplishment.
41. Section 29.337, Stats. Hunting and trapping by landowners.
42. Section 29.321, Stats. Training of hunting dogs and rules for dog trials.

Note: 2001 Wis. Act 56 repealed s. 29.321, Stats.

43. Section 29.404, Stats. Relating to rules for ice fishing shanties.
44. Section 29.522, Stats. Description of nets; use of.
45. Section 29.354(3), Stats. Mounted collections.
46. Section 29.541(1) (b), Stats. Relating to permits to serve game to guests.
47. Section 29.701, Stats. Propagation privileged.
48. Section 29.709(1), Stats. State fish hatcheries.
49. Section 29.709(2), Stats. Transplantation of fish.
50. Section 29.741, Stats. Relating to state propagation of wild mammals and birds.
51. Section 29.607(1) and (2), Stats. Relating to title to wild rice and powers of the department.
52. Section 29.857, Stats. Wild animals for parks.

Note: 2001 Wis. Act 56 repealed s. 29.857, Stats.

53. Section 29.617, Stats. Public hunting and fishing grounds.
54. Section 29.627, Stats. Domestic fur-bearing animal farms.
55. Section 29.885, Stats. Removal of wild animals.
56. Section 29.889, Stats. Wildlife damage abatement programs; wildlife damage claim program.
57. Section 29.881, Stats. Giving away of predatory animals to public zoos.

Note: 2001 Wis. Act 56 repealed s. 29.881, Stats.

58. Section 29.421, Stats. Removal of injurious rough fish.
59. Section 29.424, Stats. Control of detrimental fish.
60. Section 29.417, Stats. Permit to take rough fish.
(b)Administrative code provisions.
1. Chapter NR 1 Natural resources board policies.
2. Section NR 12.05(1) and (2) Relating to birds causing depredation.
3. Section NR 10.102(1) Bear quotas.
4. Section NR 10.104(1) Relating to the management of the deer herd.
5. Section NR 10.104(7) Deer harvest quotas.
6. Section NR 10.117 Deer season modification.

Note: NR 10.117 was repealed eff. 2-1-02.

7. Section NR 10.28 Deer management units.
8. Section NR 10.29 Wild turkey hunting zones.
9. Section NR 10.30 Black bear hunting zones.
10. Chapter NR 12 Wildlife damage and nuisance control.
11. Section NR 19.01 Approval deadlines (applicable only when an approval is required).
12. Section NR 19.03 Control of muskrats on cranberry marshes.
13. Section NR 19.07 Shooting preserves.

Note: Section NR 19.07 was repealed eff. 11-1-03.

14. Section NR 19.11(1) through (4) Relating to scientific collector permits.
15. Sections NR 19.75 to 19.83 Relating to the wildlife damage abatement and claims program.
16. Section NR 20.03(1) (intro.) Relating to open and closed seasons, size and bag limits and measurements.

Note: Chapter NR 20 was repealed and a new ch. NR 20 created eff. 6-1-99.

17. Section NR 20.03(4) Relating to special regulations for toxicant-treated waters.

Note: Chapter NR 20 was repealed and a new ch. NR 20 created eff. 6-1-99.

18. Section NR 20.04(3) Special waters-lakes.

Note: Chapter NR 20 was repealed and a new ch. NR 20 created eff. 6-1-99.

19. Section NR 20.07(3) Relating to taking rough fish by hand.

Note: Chapter NR 20 was repealed and a new ch. NR 20 created eff. 6-1-99.

20. Section NR 20.07(4) Relating to taking certain fish by spear in designated waters.

Note: Chapter NR 20 was repealed and a new ch. NR 20 created eff. 6-1-99.

21. Section NR 20.14 Department permitted to take fish.

Note: Chapter NR 20 was repealed and a new ch. NR 20 created eff. 6-1-99.

22. Section NR 20.15 Control of detrimental fish.

Note: Chapter NR 20 was repealed and a new ch. NR 20 created eff. 6-1-99.

(2) RESTRICTIONS UNRELATED TO TREATY RIGHTS. The following statutory and administrative code provisions are unaffected by Lac Courte Oreilles Band v. Voigt, 700 F. 2d 341 (7th Cir. 1983) and are not intended to be modified, except as expressly provided, by any provision of this chapter:
(a)Statutory provisions.
1. Section 23.33, Stats. All-terrain vehicles.
2. Section 23.40, Stats. Environmental impact statement.
3. Section 26.12(5), Stats. Relating to setting fires - intensive protection areas.
4. Section 26.14, Stats. Forest fires, law enforcement, police power of wardens, compensation, penalties, civil liability.
5. Section 26.19, Stats. Destruction of forest protection equipment or notices.
6. Section 26.21, Stats. Civil liability for forest fires.
7. Chapter 27, Stats. Public parks and places of recreation. (modified by s. NR 13.05(9)).
8. Section 29.288, Stats. Throwing refuse in waters; abandoning automobiles, boats or other vehicles.

Note: Section 29.288, Stats., was repealed by 1998 Wis. Act 335.

9. Section 29.601(3), Stats. Deleterious substances.
10. Section 29.951, Stats. Resisting conservation warden.
11. Section 29.954, Stats. False impersonation of warden.
12. Section 29.961, Stats. Incorrect information.
13. Section 29.964, Stats. Changing approval.
14. Section 29.957, Stats. Breaking seals of department.
15. Section 29.969, Stats. Larceny of game.
16. Chapter 30, Stats. Navigable waters, harbors and navigation.
17. Chapter 31, Stats. Regulation of dams and bridges affecting navigable waters.
18. Section 167.26, Stats. Leaving unguarded ice holes.
19. Section 167.31, Stats. Safe use and transportation of firearms and bows.
20. Chapters 340 to 349, Stats. Relating to laws regulating motor vehicles.
21. Chapter 350, Stats. Snowmobiles.
22. Chapters 939 to 948, Stats. Relating to laws regulating crimes.
(b)Administrative code provisions.
1. Chapter NR 5 Boat regulations and registration.
2. Chapter NR 6 Snowmobile standards certification.
3. Chapter NR 30 Forest fire control.
4. Sections NR 45.01 through 45.03, 45.04(1) (b) through 45.08 and 45.10 to the end. Relating to miscellaneous regulations on state lands (modified by s. NR 13.05(9)).
(3) ENFORCEMENT IMPLEMENTATION. The following statutory provisions are directly related to and required for the enforcement of this chapter and shall be applicable to treaty rights participants:
(a) Sections 23.50 to 23.90, Stats. Relating to procedures used in forfeiture actions.
(b) Section 23.99, Stats. Parties to a violation.
(c) Section 26.01, Stats. Definition.
(d) Section 26.06(1), Stats. Relating to enforcement of timber laws.
(e) Section 26.98, Stats. General penalty.
(f) Section 26.99, Stats. Parties to a violation.
(g) Section 29.001, Stats. General definitions.
(h) Sections 29.921, 29.924, 29.931, and 29.944, Stats. Police powers; searches; seizures.
(i) Section 29.941, Stats. Assistance of police officers.
(j) Section 29.977, Stats. Civil actions for damages caused by law violations.
(k) Section 29.971, Stats. General penalty provisions.
(L) Section 29.974, Stats. Penalties; repeaters.
(m) Section 29.981, Stats. Parties to a violation.
(n) Section 29.987, Stats. Natural resources assessments.
(o) Section 29.989, Stats. Natural resources restitution payments.
(4) GENERAL RESTRICTIONS. Subject to the modifications and exceptions in s. NR 13.04(5), the following provisions shall be applicable to treaty rights participants:
(a)Statutory provisions.
1. Section 23.095, Stats. Malicious waste of natural resources.
2. Section 29.501, Stats. Fur dealers regulated (modified by s. NR 13.05(11) (a)).
3. Section 29.503, Stats. Wholesale fish dealer license (modified by s. NR 13.05(11) (a)).
4. Section 29.506, Stats. Taxidermists (modified by s. NR 13.05(11) (a)).
5. Section 29.509(7), Stats. Relating to molesting bait traps.
6. Section 29.512, Stats. Guide licenses.
7. Section 29.055, Stats. Possession during close season or in excess of bag limit (modified by s. NR 13.05(1)).
8. Section 29.057, Stats. Game, possession in open season.
9. Section 29.604, Stats. Endangered and threatened species protected.
10. Section 29.354(1), Stats. Approval necessary (modified by s. NR 13.05(4)).
11. Section 29.354(2), Stats. Nests and eggs.
12. Section 29.334, Stats. Possession and sale of live game animals and fur-bearing animals.
13. Section 29.855, Stats. Possession, sale, release and destruction of live skunks.

Note: 2001 Wis. Act 56 repealed s. 29.855, Stats.

14. Section 29.357(1), (4), and (5), Stats. Relating to transportation during the close season (modified by s. NR 13.05(2)).
15. Section 29.047, Stats. Interstate transportation of game (modified by s. NR 13.05(1) and (2)).
16. Section 29.407, Stats. Transportation of fish.
17. Section 29.071, Stats. Wildlife on Indian reservations protected (modified by s. NR 13.05(3) and (6)).
18. Section 29.539, Stats. Sale of game or fish (modified by s. NR 13.05(11)).
19. Section 29.541, Stats. Serving of game to guests (modified by s. NR 13.05(11)).
20. Section 29.737, Stats. Permit for private management.
21. Section 29.713, Stats. Trespass to state fish hatchery.
22. Section 29.52, Stats. Private fish hatcheries.

Note: Section 29.52, Stats., was repealed by 1997 Wis. Act 27.

23. Section 29.745, Stats. Introducing fish and game.

Note: 2001 Wis. Act 56 repealed s. 29.745, Stats.

24. Section 29.091, Stats. Game or wildlife refuge.
25. Section 29.621, Stats. Wildlife refuges.
26. Section 29.863, Stats. Game farms; license.

Note: 2001 Wis. Act 56 repealed s. 29.863, Stats.

27. Section 29.865, Stats. Pheasant and quail farms; department control; shooting license.

Note: 2001 Wis. Act 56 repealed s. 29.865, Stats.

28. Section 29.867, Stats. Game bird and animal farms.

Note: 2001 Wis. Act 56 repealed s. 29.867, Stats.

29. Section 29.869, Stats. Fur animal farms.

Note: 2001 Wis. Act 56 repealed s. 29.869, Stats.

30. Section 29.871, Stats. Deer farms; venison serving permits.

Note: 2001 Wis. Act 56 repealed s. 29.871, Stats.

31. Section 29.877, Stats. Wildlife exhibit licenses.

Note: 2001 Wis. Act 56 repealed s. 29.877, Stats.

32. Section 29.879, Stats. Humane, adequate and sanitary care of wild animals.

Note: 2001 Wis. Act 56 repealed s. 29.879, Stats.

33. Section 29.088, Stats. Use of poison and explosives; pole traps.
(b)Administrative code provisions.
1. Chapter NR 16 Game farms and exhibits.
2. Chapter NR 17 Dog trials and training.
3. Section NR 19.05 Release and importation of fish and wildlife.
4. Section NR 19.07 Shooting preserves.

Note: Section NR 19.07 was repealed eff. 11-1-03.

5. Section NR 19.11(5) Permit usage.
6. Section NR 19.12 Tagging the carcasses of wild animals, birds and fish taken on Indian reservations (modified by s. NR 13.05(3) and (6)).
7. Section NR 19.13 Disposition of deer accidentally killed by a motor vehicle.
8. Section NR 19.25 Wild animal protection.
9. Section NR 19.28 Taxidermy.
10. Chapter NR 27 Endangered and threatened species.
(a)Equipment use. Treaty rights participants may not share fishing, trapping, hunting or spearing gear with nontribal members and may not permit nontribal members to tend their gear.
(b)Assisting. No person other than treaty rights participants may assist with or otherwise tend the fishing, trapping, hunting or spearing gear of treaty rights participants.
(c)Tag and permit use. Tags and permits issued or authorized by the department for use by treaty rights participants may not be transferred to or possessed by nontreaty rights participants unless specifically authorized by this chapter.
(d)Off-reservation land. Treaty rights participants may not hunt on the following public lands:
1. Campgrounds, beaches and picnic areas;
2. School forests, landfills and gravel pits where deer hunting is prohibited and where notice of the prohibition is clearly posted;
3. Land within incorporated areas except at the time and in the manner that hunting is allowed by the appropriate unit of government;
4. Any state park except those parks where deer gun or archery is permitted, subject to the provisions of s. NR 13.38.
5. Any other public land on which hunting or shooting is prohibited for public safety purposes.

Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 13.04

Cr. Register, February, 1990, No. 410, eff. 3-1-90; corrections in (1) (a) 16. to 26., 28. to 43., 44. to 60., (2) (a) 8. to 15., (3) (g) to (o), and (4) (a) 2. to 33. made under s. 13.93(2m) (b) 7, Stats., Register November 2001 No. 551; corrections in (1) (a) 50. and 54., (b) 2. and (4) (a) 12. made under s. 13.92(4) (b) 7, Stats., Register May 2011 No. 665.