Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 297.003

Current through December 30, 2024
Section NR 297.003 - General definitions

The following definitions are applicable to the terms used in this chapter. Definitions of other terms and abbreviations are set forth in ss. NR 205.03, 205.04, and 211.03.

(1) "Boulton process" means a process in which unseasoned wood is heated in an oily preservative under a partial vacuum to reduce the wood's moisture content prior to injection of the preservative.
(2) "Byproduct utilization" means the manufacture of products from bark and wood waste materials exclusive of the manufacture of insulation board, particleboard, hardboard, or products in other categories or subcategories covered by specific limitations.
(3) "Debris" means woody material such as bark, twigs, branches, heartwood, or sapwood which will not pass through a 2.54 cm (1.0 in) diameter round opening and which is present in the discharge from a wet storage facility.
(4) "Existing source" means any point source, except a new source as defined in sub. (9), from which pollutants may be discharged either into waters of the state or into a publicly owned treatment works.
(5) "Gross production of fiberboard products" means the air dry weight of hardboard or insulation board following formation of the mat and prior to trimming and finishing operations.
(6) "Hardboard" means a panel manufactured from interfelted lignocellulosic fibers consolidated under heat and pressure to a density of 0.5 g/cu cm (31 lb/cu ft) or greater.
(7) "Hydraulic barking" means a wood processing operation that removes bark from wood by the use of water under a pressure of 6.8 atm (100 psia) or greater.
(8) "Insulation board" means a panel manufactured from interfelted lignocellulosic fibers consolidated to a density of less than 0.5 g/cu cm (31 lb/cu ft).
(9) "New source," as defined for purposes of new source performance standards and treatment standards for new sources, means any point source for which construction commenced after October 31, 1979, and from which pollutants are or may be discharged directly to waters of the state or to a publicly owned treatment works.
(10) "Particleboard" means board products composed of underfiberized particles of wood and other lignocellulosic materials bonded together with organic or inorganic binder materials.
(11) "Process wastewater" means wastewater other than noncontact cooling water, material storage yard runoff, and boiler blowdown. For the dry process hardboard, veneer, finishing, particleboard, and sawmills and planing mills subcategories, fire control water is not process wastewater.
(12) "Self contained body of water" means a body of water which does not have a continuous natural influent of either surface or groundwater and which is used to store raw materials for the manufacture of lumber and wood products except for timber.
(13) "Smooth-one-side hardboard" means hardboard which is produced by the wet matting wet pressing process.
(14) "Smooth-two-side hardboard" means hardboard which is produced by the wet matting dry pressing process.

Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 297.003

Cr. Register, April, 1989, No. 400, eff. 5-1-89.