In addition to the definitions set forth in ss. NR 205.03, 205.04, and 211.03, the following definitions apply to the terms used in this chapter:
p-chloro-m-cre-sol | tetrachloroethyl-ene |
2-chlorophenol | toluene |
2,4-dinitrotoluene | trichloroethylene |
1,2-diphenylhy-drazine | endosulfan sulfate |
ethylbenzene | bis(2-ethyl-hexyl)phthalate |
fluoranthene | diethylphthalate |
isophorone | 3,4-benzofluoran-thene |
napthalene | benzo(k)fluoran-thene |
N-nitrosodipheny-lamine | chrysene |
phenol | acenaphthylene |
benzo(a)pyrene | anthracene |
benzo(ghi)per-ylene | di-n-butyl phthal-ate |
fluorene | endrin |
phenanthrene | endrin aldehyde |
dibenzo(a,h)anthra-cene | PCB-1242, 1254, 1221,1232,1248, 1260,1016 |
indeno(1,2,3-c,d)p-yrene | acenaphthene |
pyrene |
Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 257.03