Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 254.003

Current through December 30, 2024
Section NR 254.003 - Alternative effluent limitations
(1) Except as provided in subs. (4) and (5), any existing point source subject to this chapter may qualify for alternative effluent limitations for BPT, BAT, and BCT. The alternative effluent limitations for each pollutant are determined for a combination of outfalls by totaling the mass limitations of each pollutant allowed under this chapter and subtracting from each total an appropriate net reduction amount. The permit authority shall determine an appropriate net reduction amount for each pollutant traded based upon consideration of additional available control measures which would result in substantial effluent reductions and which can be achieved without requiring significant additional expenditures at any outfall in the combination for which the discharge is projected to be better than required by this chapter.
(2) For total suspended solids and oil and grease, the minimum net reduction amount shall be approximately 15% of the amount by which any waste stream in the combination will exceed otherwise allowable effluent limitations. For all other pollutants, the minimum net reduction amount shall be approximately 10% of the amount by which the discharges from any waste stream in the combination will exceed otherwise allowable effluent limitations for each pollutant under this chapter.
(3) Each outfall from which process wastewaters are discharged shall have specific fixed effluent limitations for each pollutant limited by the applicable sections of this chapter.
(4) If the application of alternative effluent limitations results in a violation of any applicable water quality standard, alternative effluent limitations are not permitted.
(5) Alternative effluent limitations are not permitted for cokemaking and cold forming process wastewaters.

Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 254.003

Cr. Register, May, 1989, No. 401, eff. 6-1-89.