Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 225.03

Current through December 30, 2024
Section NR 225.03 - Definitions

The following definitions are applicable to terms used in this chapter. Definitions of other terms and meanings of abbreviations are set forth in ch. NR 205.

(1) "Large" means a point source that processes a total annual raw material production of fruits, vegetables, specialties and other products that exceeds 9,080 kkg (10,000 tons) per year.
(2) "Medium" means a point source that processes a total annual raw material production of fruits, vegetables, specialties and other products that is between 1,816 kkg (2,000 tons) per year and 9,080 kkg (10,000 tons) per year.
(3) "Daily maximum limitation" means the maximum quantity of suspended solids or of BOD which may be discharged in any one day.
(4) "Daily average limitation" means the maximum daily average quantity of suspended solids or of BOD which may be discharged in a 30 day period.
(5) "Annual limitation" means the maximum quantity of suspended solids or of BOD which may be discharged for the entire processing season or calendar year.
(6) "Added ingredients" means the prepared sauces (prepared from items such as dairy products, starches, sugar, tomato sauce and concentrate, spices, and other related pre-processed ingredients) which are added during the canning and freezing of fruits and vegetables.
(7) "Apricots" means the processing of apricots into the following product styles: canned and frozen, pitted and unpitted, peeled and unpeeled, whole, halves, slices, nectar, and concentrate.
(8) "Baby food" means the processing of canned fresh fruits and vegetables, meats, eggs, fruit juices, cereal, formulated entrees, desserts and snacks using fresh, pre-processed, or any combination of these and other food ingredients necessary for the production of infant foods.
(9) "Beets" means the processing of beets into the following product styles: canned and peeled, whole, sliced, diced, French style, sections, irregular, and other cuts but not dehydrated beets.
(10) "Broccoli" means the processing of broccoli into the following product styles: frozen, chopped, spears, and miscellaneous cuts.
(11) "Caneberries" means the processing of the following berries: canned and frozen blackberries, blueberries, boysenberries, currants, gooseberries, loganberries, ollalieberries, raspberries, and any other similar cane or bushberry but not strawberries or cranberries.
(12) "Canned onions" means the processing of onions into the following product styles: canned, frozen, and fried (canned), peeled, whole, sliced, and any other piece size but not including frozen, battered onion rings or dehydrated onions.
(13) "Carrots" means the processing of carrots into the following product styles: canned and frozen, peeled, whole, sliced, diced, nuggets, crinkle cut, julienne, shoestrings, chunks, chips and other irregular cuts, and juices but not dehydrated carrots.
(14) "Cherries, brined" means the processing of all varieties of cherries into the following product styles: canned, bottled and bulk, sweet and sour, pitted and unpitted, bleached, sweetened, colored and flavored, whole, halved and chopped.
(15) "Cherries, sour" means the processing of all sour varieties of cherries into the following product styles: frozen and canned, pitted and unpitted, whole, halves, juice, and concentrate.
(16) "Cherries, sweet" means the processing of all varieties of sweet cherries into the following product styles: frozen and canned, pitted and unpitted, whole, halves, juice and concentrate.
(17) "Chips, corn" means the processing of fried corn, made by soaking, rinsing, milling and extruding into a fryer without toasting. In terms of finished corn chips, 1 kg (lb) of finished product is equivalent to 0.9 kg (lb) of raw material.
(18) "Chips, potato" means the processing of fried chips, made from fresh or stored white potatoes, all varieties. In terms of finished potato chips, 1 kg (lb) of finished product is equivalent to 4 kg (lb) of raw material.
(19) "Chips, tortilla" means the processing of fried corn, made by soaking, rinsing, milling, rolling into sheets, toasting and frying. In terms of finished tortilla chips, 1 kg (lb) of finished product is equivalent to 0.9 kg (lb) of raw material.
(20) "Corn, canned" means the processing of corn into the following product styles: canned, yellow and white, whole kernel, cream style, and on-the-cob.
(21) "Corn, frozen" means the processing of corn into the following product styles: frozen, yellow and white, whole kernel and whole cob.
(22) "Cranberries" means the processing of cranberries into the following product styles: canned, bottled, and frozen, whole, sauce, jelly, juice and concentrate.
(23) "Dehydrated onions and garlic" means the processing of dehydrated onions and garlic into the following product styles: air, vacuum, and freeze dried, all varieties, diced, strips, and other piece sizes ranging from large sliced to powder but not including green onions, chives, or leeks.
(24) "Dehydrated vegetables" means the processing of dehydrated vegetables in the following product styles: air, vacuum and freeze dried, blanched and unblanched, peeled and unpeeled, beets, bell peppers, cabbage, carrots, celery, chili pepper, horseradish, turnips, parsnips, parsley, asparagus, tomatoes, green beans, corn, spinach, green onion tops, chives, leeks, whole, diced, and any other piece size ranging from sliced to powder.
(25) "Dried fruit" means the processing of various fruits into the following product styles: air, vacuum, and freeze dried, pitted and unpitted, blanched and unblanched, whole, halves, slices and other similar styles of apples, apricots, figs, peaches, pears, prunes, canned extracted prune juice and pulp from rehydrated and cooked dehydrated prunes; but not including dates or raisins.
(26) "Dry beans" means the production of canned pinto, kidney, navy, great northern, red, pink or related type, with and without formulated sauces, meats and gravies.
(27) "Ethnic foods" means the production of canned and frozen Chinese and Mexican specialties utilizing fresh and pre-processed bean sprouts, bamboo shoots, water chestnuts, celery, cactus, tomatoes, and other similar vegetables necessary for the production of the various characteristic product styles.
(28) "Grape juice canning" means the processing of grape juice into the following products and product styles: canned and frozen, fresh and stored, natural grape juice for the manufacture of juices, drinks, concentrates, jams, jellies, and other related finished products but not wine or other spirits. In terms of raw material processed 1,000 kg (1,000 lb) of grapes is equivalent to 834 liters (100 gallons) of grape juice.
(29) "Grape pressing" means the washing and subsequent handling including pressing, heating, and filtration of natural juice from all varieties of grapes for the purpose of manufacturing juice, drink, concentrate, and jelly but not wine or other spirits. In terms of raw material processed 1,000 kg (1,000 lb) of grapes are equivalent to 834 liters (100 gallons) of grape juice.
(30) "Jams and jellies" means the production of jams, jellies and preserves defined as follows: the combination of fruit and fruit concentrate, sugar, pectin, and other additives in an acidic medium resulting in a gelatinized and thickened finished product.
(31) "Lima beans" means the processing of lima beans into the following product styles: canned and frozen, green and white, all varieties and sizes.
(32) "Mayonnaise and salad dressing" means the emulsified and nonemulsified semi-solid food prepared from the combining of edible vegetable oil with acidifying, and egg yolk containing ingredients, or gum and starch combinations to which certain colorings, spices, and flavorings have been added.
(33) "Mushrooms" means the processing of mushrooms into the following product styles: canned, frozen, dehydrated, all varieties, shapes and sizes.
(34) "Olives" means the processing of olives into the following product styles: canned, all varieties, fresh and stored, green ripe, black ripe, spanish, sicilian, and any other styles to which spices, acids, and flavorings may have been added.
(35) "Peaches" means the processing of peaches into the following product styles: canned or frozen, all varieties, peeled, pitted and unpitted, whole, halves, sliced, diced, and any other cuts, nectar, and concentrate but not dehydrated.
(36) "Pears" means the processing of pears into the following product styles: canned, peeled, halved, sliced, diced, and any other cuts, nectar and concentrate but not dehydrated.
(37) "Peas" means the processing of peas into the following product styles: canned and frozen, all varieties and sizes, whole.
(38) "Pickles, fresh" means the processing of fresh cucumbers and other vegetables, all varieties, all sizes from whole to relish, all styles, cured after packing.
(39) "Pickles, processed" means the processing of pickles, cucumbers, and other vegetables, all varieties, sizes, and types, made after fermentation and storage.
(40) "Pickles, salt stations" means the handling and subsequent preserving of cucumbers and other vegetables at salting stations or tank yards by salt and other chemical additions necessary to achieve proper fermentation for the packing of processed pickle products, and subsequent tank soaking.
(41) "Pineapples" means the processing of pineapple into the following product styles: canned, peeled, sliced, chunk, tidbit, diced, crushed, and any other related piece size, juice and concentrate. It also specifically includes the on-site production of by-products such as alcohol, sugar or animal feed.
(42) "Plums" means the processing of plums into the following product styles: canned and frozen, pitted and unpitted, peeled and unpeeled, blanched, and unblanched, whole, halved, and other piece size.
(43) "Potatoes" means:
(a) The processing of sweet potatoes into the following product styles: canned, peeled, solid, syrup, and vacuum packed; and
(b) The processing of white potatoes into the following product styles: canned, peeled, white, all varieties, whole and sliced.
(44) "Raisins" means the production of raisins from the following products: dried grapes, all varieties, bleached and unbleached, which have been cleaned and washed prior to packaging.
(45) "Sauerkraut canning" means the draining and subsequent filling and canning of fermented cabbage and juice.
(46) "Sauerkraut cutting" means the trimming, cutting, and subsequent preparatory handling of cabbage necessary for and including brining and fermentation, and subsequent tank soaking.
(47) "Snap beans" means the processing of snap beans into the following product styles: canned and frozen green, Italian, wax, string, bush, and other related varieties, whole, french, fancy, extra standard, standard, and other cuts.
(48) "Soups" means the combination of various fresh and pre-processed meats, fish, dairy products, eggs, flours, starches, vegetables, spices, and other similar raw ingredients into a variety of finished mixes and styles but not including dehydrated soups.
(49) "Spinach" means the processing of spinach and leafy greens into the following product styles: canned or frozen, whole leaf, chopped, and other related cuts.
(50) "Squash" means the processing of pumpkin and squash into canned and frozen styles.
(51) "Strawberries" means the processing of strawberries into the following product styles: canned and frozen, whole, sliced, and pureed.
(52) "Tomatoes" means the processing of tomatoes into canned, peeled, whole, stewed, and related piece sizes; and processing of tomatoes into the following products and product styles: canned, peeled and unpeeled paste, concentrate, puree, sauce, juice, catsup and other similar formulated items requiring various other pre-processed food ingredients.
(53) "Tomato-starch-cheese canned specialties" means canned specialties resulting from a combination of fresh and pre-processed tomatoes, starches, cheeses, spices, and other flavorings necessary to produce a variety of products similar to but not exclusively raviolis, spaghetti, tamales, and enchiladas.

Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 225.03

Cr. Register, January, 1977, No. 253, eff. 2-1-77.