Limitation = Water quality based effluent limitation (in units of mass per unit of volume),
WQC = The water quality criterion concentration (in units of mass per unit volume) from s. NR 102.06,
Qs = Receiving water design flow (in units of volume per unit time) as specified in par. (b),
Qe = Effluent flow (in units of volume per unit time) as specified in par. (c),
f = Fraction of the effluent flow that is withdrawn from the receiving water, and
Cs = Upstream concentration (in units of mass per unit volume) as specified in par. (d).
Note: The department has guidance on collection methods for ambient water sampling and may develop guidance for the evaluation of representative data. The guidance may be obtained from the offices of the department of natural resources, bureau of water quality at 101 South Webster Street, P.O. Box 7921, Madison, Wisconsin 53707.
Note: As described in s. NR 217.16, effluent limitations for discharges to lakes may also be based on the wasteload allocation of a total maximum daily load, where the total maximum daily load has been approved by US EPA.
Note: At the time this rule was promulgated, December 1, 2010, the best readily available phosphorus removal technology indicates a limit of 0.6 mg/L.
Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 217.13
Section 283.84, Stats., establishes requirements for pollutant trades.