Current through December 30, 2024
Section NR 212.11 - Modifications and temporary reallocation of point source allocations(1) When a discharger to a publicly-owned point source covered by this chapter applies to receive a separate WPDES permit or when a person with a WPDES permit applies to terminate its direct discharge in order to contribute to a publicly-owned point source covered by this chapter, permit modification procedures contained in ss. 283.37 and 283.53(2), Stats., shall apply. Any reallocation pursuant to such action shall only affect the applicant and the publicly-owned point source to which it discharges.(2) Procedures for temporary reallocation for individual stream segments are identified in ss. NR 212.40 through 212.70. Notwithstanding procedures identified in ss. NR 212.40 through 212.70, temporary reallocation of wasteload allocations may be allowed under the following conditions: (a) Reallocations approved by the department shall be for at least one calendar year and shall expire at the end of the affected discharger's WPDES permit term;(b) Reallocations shall account for differences in waste characteristics and location of discharge as determined by the department and may not adversely affect a downstream segment's wasteload allocation; and(c) Reallocations may not affect baseline loads in affected stream segments but may result in an adjustment to total maximum daily loads identified in ss. NR 212.40 through 212.70.(3) Reallocations may not be approved by the department until the discharger applying for a reallocation demonstrates through the use of a toxicity test approved by the department that such reallocation will not result in toxicity in the receiving water.(4) Prior to department approval of a reallocation, all parties to the transfer shall waive all rights under s. 227.51, Stats., to retain any reallocation beyond the expiration date of the WPDES permit of the dischargers applying to receive a reallocation. The waiver shall be effectuated through incorporation into the WPDES permit of the affected discharger.Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 212.11
Cr. Register, September, 1981, No. 309, eff. 10-1-81; r. and recr. Register, August, 1985, No. 356, eff. 9-1-85.