Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 852.04

Current through December 30, 2024
Section NR 852.04 - Required elements - all

All persons identified in Tier 1, Tier 2 or Tier 3 shall submit with the application for a new or increased withdrawal, diversion, or water loss approval all of the following:

(1) A water conservation plan meeting the requirements in s. NR 852.07.
(2) Written documentation showing that the person has implemented or completed the CEMs in Table 1 that do not require retrofitting, as applicable for each water use sector.

Table 1

Mandatory Conservation and Efficiency Measures



Required Elements

Public Water Supply Water Use Sector (PWS)


Water Use Audit

Perform a water use audit and prepare written documentation of the audit results using the process outlined in one of the following:

1.Public water systems regulated by the Public Service Commission shall follow the water audit procedures indicated in ch. PSC 185.

2.Public water systems not regulated by the Public Service Commission, shall submit water audit results with the water conservation plan required in s. NR 852.07.


Leak Detection and Repair Program

Prepare a written program to control system losses in accordance with one of the following:

1. Public water systems regulated by the Public Service Commission shall follow the procedures indicated in ch. PSC 185 regarding system losses.

2. If a public water system not regulated by the Public Service Commission has 1,000 or more service connections and system losses greater than 15%, or has fewer than 1,000 service connections and system losses greater than 25%, the public water system shall complete a survey of leaks using one of the available technical methods and complete a corrective action plan.


Information and Education Outreach

1. Provide information to employees and customers regarding water conservation and water use efficiency. Include all of the following items: reasons water conservation is necessary, consequences of not conserving water, and actions needed to achieve the water conservation goals of the community. Provide information and education in an effective format to customers and employees specific to landscape watering practices. Public water systems regulated by the Public Service Commission shall follow the utility billing procedures indicated in ch. PSC 185.

2. Develop and deliver a training plan to educate and train employees on the implementation of water conservation and efficiency measures at public water system facilities. Information and education materials shall be made available to the department.


Source Measurement

Measure or estimate all water withdrawals monthly or more frequently to allow for identifying and understanding variability in water use over time. Public water systems regulated by the Public Service Commission shall follow the metering requirements provided in ch. PSC 185.

Commercial and Institutional Water Use Sector (CI)


Water Use Audit

Conduct a water use audit and prepare written documentation of the audit results.


Leak Detection and Repair Program

Establish a protocol to repair leaks in a timely manner. Conduct a survey of leaks and develop a corrective action plan.


Information and Education

Develop and deliver training to educate and train employees on the implementation of water conservation and efficiency measures at the facility. Information and education materials shall be made available to the department.


Source Measurement

Measure or estimate all water sources at a frequency that allows for identifying and understanding variability in water use over time.

Irrigation Water Use Sector (IR)


Water Use Audit

Conduct a water use audit, including the system's application efficiency or distribution uniformity as applicable and prepare written documentation of the audit results.


Leak Detection and Repair Program

Establish a protocol to repair leaks in a timely manner. Conduct a survey of leaks that includes an account of the general condition of the irrigation system and develop a corrective action plan.


Information and Education

Develop and deliver training to educate employees on the implementation of water conservation and efficiency measures at the facility. Information and education materials shall be made available to the department.


Source Measurement

Measure or estimate all water withdrawals monthly or more frequently to allow for identifying and understanding variability in water use over time.


Water Use Audit

Conduct a water use audit and prepare written documentation of the audit results.


Leak Detection and Repair Program

Establish a protocol to repair leaks in a timely manner. Conduct a survey of leaks and develop a corrective action plan.


Information and Education

Develop and deliver training to educate employees on the implementation of water conservation and efficiency measures at the facility. Information and education materials shall be made available to the department.


Source Measurement

Measure or estimate all water withdrawals monthly or more frequently to allow for identifying and understanding variability in water use over time.

Industrial Water Use Sector (IN)


Water Use Audit

Conduct a water use audit, determine water inflow and outflow from the facility and prepare written documentation of the audit results. Facilities shall identify once-through cooling processes in the audit report.


Leak Detection and Repair Program

Establish a protocol to repair leaks in a timely manner. Conduct a survey of leaks and develop a corrective action plan.


Information and Education

Develop and deliver training to educate employees on the implementation of water conservation and efficiency measures at the facility. Information and education materials shall be made available to the department.


Source Measurement

Measure or estimate all water withdrawals monthly or more frequently to allow for identifying and understanding variability in water use over time.

Power Production Water Use Sector (PP)


Water Use Audit

Conduct a water use audit, determine water inflow and outflow from the facility and prepare written documentation of the audit results. Facilities shall identify once-through processes in the audit report.


Leak Detection and Repair Program

Establish a protocol to repair leaks in a timely manner. Conduct a survey of leaks and develop a corrective action plan.


Information and Education

Develop and deliver training to educate employees on the implementation of water conservation and efficiency measures at the facility. Information and education materials shall be made available to the department.


Source Measurement

Measure or estimate all water withdrawals monthly or more frequently to allow for identifying and understanding variability in water use over time.

Other Water Use Sector (OR)


Water Use Audit

Conduct a water use audit and prepare written documentation of the audit results


Leak Detection and Repair Program

Establish a protocol to repair leaks in a timely manner. Conduct a survey of leaks and a corrective action plan.


Information and Education

Develop and deliver training to educate employees on the implementation of water conservation and efficiency measures at the facility.


Source Measurement

Estimate or measure all water withdrawals monthly or more frequently to allow for identifying and understanding variability in water use over time.

Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 852.04

CR 10-060: cr. Register December 2010 No. 660, eff. 1-1-11.