Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 811.92

Current through December 30, 2024
Section NR 811.92 - ASR system development testing
(1) Department approval shall be obtained prior to any
(2) Following the completion of an approved ASR system pilot study, each additional ASR well that is to be developed within an ASR system shall be subject to
(3) The department may require monitoring wells to be installed as part of an ASR system development test if it finds any of the following:
(a) Geologic conditions in the vicinity of the proposed ASR well are not consistent with the conditions examined during the municipal water system's ASR system pilot study.
(b) Geologic conditions in the vicinity of the proposed ASR well are not consistent with the conditions reported in other ASR system pilot studies or ASR system development tests performed by other municipal water systems.
(c) Results obtained during the municipal water system's ASR system pilot study or other aquifer tests indicate that additional monitoring is warranted to ensure compliance with the water quality standards established in chs. NR 140 and 809.
(4) Each request for an ASR system development test shall include a report or testing plan that contains the following:
(a) A comparison of the hydrogeologic conditions and formations found at the ASR system pilot study well site and any well site that is to be evaluated as part of the ASR system development testing request.
(b) An evaluation of the municipal water system's ASR system pilot test results and the transferability of those results to any well that is to be included as part of the ASR system development test.
(c) Plans and specifications for any well equipment, pumping equipment, appurtenances or piping that is to be constructed or altered as part of the ASR system development test.
(d) A description of all operating procedures to be followed during the ASR system development test. This description shall contain details such as, but not limited to, the volume of water to be placed underground, the flow rate and pressure of underground injection, backflushing schedules, the expected water storage period, anticipated water retrieval rates and methods for disposing of water recovered during the ASR system development test.
(e) A description of all performance and compliance monitoring procedures to be followed during the ASR system development test.
(f) A description of any monitoring wells proposed to be constructed or utilized during the ASR system development test.
(5) The department may require modification of plans and specifications, operating procedures or compliance and monitoring procedures required under sub. (4) to ensure that compliance with the performance requirements in s. NR 811.88 can be determined.
(6) Within 180 days after completing an approved ASR system development test or prior to recovering any water retrieved through any newly developed aquifer storage recovery well into a water distribution system, the municipal water system conducting the test shall submit a final report containing the final results of the investigation to the department.
(7) The department may deny a request to perform an ASR system development test if it determines that the test cannot be conducted in a manner that is protective of human health or the environment. Whenever a request to perform an ASR system development test is denied, the department shall provide the person who submitted the request for an ASR development test with a written explanation of the reasons for denying the request.

Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 811.92

CR 09-073: cr. Register November 2010 No. 659, eff. 12-1-10.