Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 810.39

Current through August 26, 2024
Section NR 810.39 - Reporting requirements
(1) Water suppliers shall report sampling schedules under s. NR 809.332 and source water monitoring results under s. NR 809.336 to the department unless they notify the department that they will not conduct source water monitoring due to meeting the criteria of s. NR 809.331(4).
(2) Water suppliers for filtered systems shall report the Cryptosporidium bin classification of their system to the department as described in s. NR 810.34.
(3) Water suppliers for unfiltered GWUDI systems shall report the mean source water Cryptosporidium level of their system to the department as described in s. NR 810.36.
(4) Water suppliers for filtered and unfiltered systems shall report disinfection profiles and benchmarks to the department as described in s. NR 810.32 prior to making a significant change in disinfection practice.
(5) Water suppliers for filtered and unfiltered systems shall report to the department in accordance with the following table for any microbial toolbox options used to comply with treatment requirements under s. NR 810.35 or 810.36. Alternatively, the department may approve a system to certify operation within required parameters for treatment credit rather than reporting monthly operational data for toolbox options.

Microbial Toolbox Reporting Requirements

Toolbox optionSystems shall submit the following informationOn the following schedule
(1) Watershed control program (WCP) (a) Notice of intention to develop a new or continue an existing watershed control program. No later than 2 years before the applicable treatment compliance date in s. NR 810.37.
(b) Watershed control plan. No later than one year before the applicable treatment compliance date in s. NR 810.37.
(c) Annual watershed control program status report. Every 12 months, beginning one year after the applicable treatment compliance date in s. NR 810.37.
(d) Watershed sanitary survey report. For community water systems, every 3 years beginning 3 years after the applicable treat-ment compliance date in s. NR 810.37. For noncommunity water systems, every 5 years beginning 5 years after the applicable treat-ment compliance date in s. NR 810.37.
(2) Alternative source/intake man-agement Verification that system has relocated the intake or adopted the intake withdrawal procedure reflected in monitoring results. No later than the applicable treatment com-pliance date in s. NR 810.37.
(3) Presedimenta-tion Monthly verification of the following: (a) Con-tinuous basin operation (b) Treatment of 100% of the flow (c) Continuous addition of a coagulant (d) At least 0.5-log mean reduction of influent turbid-ity or compliance with alternative department-approved performance criteria. Monthly reporting within 10 days following the month in which the monitoring was con-ducted, beginning on the applicable treat-ment compliance date in s. NR 810.37.
(4) Two-stage lime softening Monthly verification of the following: (a) Chemical addition and hardness precipitation occurred in 2 separate and sequential softening stages prior to filtration (b) Both stages treated 100% of the plant flow. Monthly reporting within 10 days following the month in which the monitoring was con-ducted, beginning on the applicable treat-ment compliance date in s. NR 810.37.
(5) Bank filtration (a) Initial demonstration of the following: 1. Unconsolidated, predominantly sandy aquifer 2. Setback distance of at least 25 ft. (0.5-log credit) or 50 ft. (1.0-log credit). No later than the applicable treatment com-pliance date in s. NR 810.37.
(b) If monthly average of daily max turbidity is greater than one NTU then system shall report result and submit an assessment of the cause. Report within 30 days following the month in which the monitoring was conducted, beginning on the applicable treatment com-pliance date in s. NR 810.37.
(6) Combined fil-ter performance Monthly verification of combined filter effluent (CFE) turbidity levels less than or equal to 0.15 NTU in at least 95% of the 4 hour CFE measure-ments taken each month. Monthly reporting within 10 days following the month in which the monitoring was con-ducted, beginning on the applicable treat-ment compliance date in s. NR 810.37.
(7) Individual fil-ter performance Monthly verification of the following: (a) Individual filter effluent (IFE) turbidity levels less than or equal to 0.15 NTU in at least 95% of samples each month in each filter (b) No individual filter greater than 0.3 NTU in 2 consecutive readings 15 minutes apart. Monthly reporting within 10 days following the month in which the monitoring was con-ducted, beginning on the applicable treat-ment compliance date in s. NR 810.37.
(8) Demonstration of performance (a) Results from testing following a department approved protocol. (b)As required by the department, monthly verifi-cation of operation within conditions of department approval for demonstration of performance credit. (a) No later than the applicable treatment compliance date in s. NR 810.37. (b)Within 10 days following the month in which monitoring was conducted, beginning on the applicable treatment compliance date in s. NR 810.37.
(9) Bag filters and cartridge filters (a) Demonstration that the following criteria are met: 1. Process meets the definition of bag or cartridge filtration; 2. Removal efficiency established through challenge testing that meets criteria in this chapter. No later than the applicable treatment com-pliance date in s. NR 810.37.
(b) Monthly verification that 100% of plant flow was filtered. Within 10 days following the month in which monitoring was conducted, beginning on the applicable treatment compliance date in s. NR 810.37.
(10) Membrane filtration (a) Results of verification testing demonstrating the following: 1. Removal efficiency established through challenge testing that meets criteria in this chapter; 2. Integrity test method and parameters, including resolution, sensitivity, test frequency, control limits, and associated baseline. No later than the applicable treatment com-pliance date in s. NR 810.37.
(b) Monthly report summarizing the following: 1. All direct integrity tests above the control limit; 2. If applicable, any turbidity or alternative department-approved indirect integrity monitoring results triggering direct integrity testing and the corrective action that was taken. Within 10 days following the month in which monitoring was conducted, beginning on the applicable treatment compliance date in s. NR 810.37.
(11) Second stage filtration Monthly verification that 100% of flow was filtered through both stages and that first stage was pre-ceded by coagulation step. Within 10 days following the month in which monitoring was conducted, beginning on the applicable treatment compliance date in s. NR 810.37.
(12) Slow sand filtration (as sec-ondary filter) Monthly verification that both a slow sand filter and a preceding separate stage of filtration treated 100% of flow from surface water sources. Within 10 days following the month in which monitoring was conducted, beginning on the applicable treatment compliance date in s. NR 810.37.
(13) Chlorine dioxide Summary of CT values for each day as described in s. NR 810.46. Within 10 days following the month in which monitoring was conducted, beginning on the applicable treatment compliance date in s. NR 810.37.
(14) Ozone Summary of CT values for each day as described in s. NR 810.46. Within 10 days following the month in which monitoring was conducted, beginning on the applicable treatment compliance date in s. NR 810.37.
(15) UV (a) Validation test results demonstrating operating conditions that achieve required UV dose. No later than the applicable treatment com-pliance date in s. NR 810.37.
(b) Monthly report summarizing the percentage of water entering the distribution system that was not treated by UV reactors operating within validated conditions for the required dose as specified in s. NR 810.46. Within 10 days following the month in which monitoring was conducted, beginning on the applicable treatment compliance date in s. NR 810.37.

Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 810.39

CR 09-073: cr. Register November 2010 No. 659, eff. 12-1-10.