Chapter NR 340 - Nonmetallic mining and reclamation associated with navigable waterways and adjacent areas
- Section NR 340.01 - Purpose
- Section NR 340.015 - Policy
- Section NR 340.02 - Definitions
- Section NR 340.03 - Applicability
- Section NR 340.035 - Exemption
- Section NR 340.04 - Permit application
- Section NR 340.05 - Operation and reclamation plans
- Section NR 340.055 - Financial assurance
- Section NR 340.06 - Permits
- Section NR 340.07 - Violations
- Section NR 340.08 - Permit modifications
- Section NR 340.09 - Permit extensions
- Section NR 340.10 - Inspections