Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 540.03
Waste separation and recycling collection facilities for newsprint, glass, aluminum and plastic are required to be established both at solid waste disposal facilities accepting less than 50,000 tons of residential waste, and in communities of population of over 10,000 people unless otherwise exempted. For facilities in communities, the requirements are as follows: In counties of 10,000-50,000 people one facility is required; the county shall provide the facility if no facility is available. In counties of 50,000 or more people: If no city, village or town is above 10,000 in population, the county is to provide for at least one facility. For cities, villages and towns of over 10,000 in population, the required number of facilities is: If the population is over 10,000 but less than 50,000 - one If the population is at least 50,000 but under 100,000 - 2 If the population is 100,000 or more - 3 plus one for each additional 100,000 in population. Exemptions can be granted if there are already an adequate number of recycling facilities listed in a DNR directory or if the required facilities are not economically feasible. It is not necessary for all 4 materials to be collected at a single location, or under common ownership.