Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 520.15

Current through December 30, 2024
Section NR 520.15 - Determination of waste tonnages
(1) DETERMINATION BY OWNER OR OPERATOR. The owner or operator shall determine the number of tons of waste received and disposed of at the solid waste land disposal facility in accordance with the following:
(a) For landfills with weight scales, actual weight records shall be used, and all waste accepted shall be routed across the scale.
(b) For landfills without scales, the owner or operator may establish by field measurement the volume of waste disposed and convert to a weight using the appropriate conversion factors in Table 4. When reporting waste tonnage information to the department based on this method, owners or operators of municipal solid waste landfills shall specify the volume of cover soil used as well as how the volumes of municipal waste and various industrial wastes were determined.
(c) For rural municipal solid waste landfills serving a population equivalent of 2,500 or less and receiving little or no industrial waste, the owner or operator may conduct a survey during a representative period of operation to establish average representative weights or volumes of waste disposed. Changes in seasonal population shall be considered when establishing representative weights or volumes. Alternatively, the owner or operator may use a waste generation rate of 2 pounds per capita per day and apply it over the number of days in the reporting period. Changes in seasonal population shall be considered when applying a per capita generation rate.
(2) CONVERSION FACTORS. The conversion factors in table 4 shall be used. All conversion factors are based on wet densities. The densities provided for domestic residential waste and commercial waste in table 4 are subject to mechanical compaction, such as packer trucks or enclosed roll off containers coupled to hydraulic compactors. If the waste is loose, 200 pounds per cubic yard shall be used as the conversion factor.

Table 4

Conversion Factors

Municipal solid waste

As delivered

Domestic residential .........

425 pounds/cubic yard

Commercial ................

375 pounds/cubic yard

Industrial - other than specified below .....................

300 pounds/cubic yard

Bulky .....................

400 pounds/cubic yard

Demolition ................

1,250 pounds/cubic yard

Compacted in place ..........

1,200 pounds/cubic yard

Facilities receiving only demolition waste ............

1,400 pounds/cubic yard

Municipal wastewater sludge . . ..

1,684 pounds/cubic yard

Municipal incinerator ash

As delivered - uncompacted . ..

1,500 pounds/cubic yard

In-field - compacted ........

2,700 pounds/cubic yard

Pulp and papermill sludge

As delivered - uncompacted . ..

1,800 pounds/cubic yard

In-field - consolidated .......

2,200 pounds/cubic yard

Utility ash - fly and bottom

As delivered - uncompacted . ..

2,200 pounds/cubic yard

In-field - compacted ........

2,400 pounds/cubic yard

Foundry wastes

As delivered - uncompacted . ..

2,600 pounds/cubic yard

In-field - compacted ........

3,000 pounds/cubic yard

(3) DEPARTMENT ESTIMATES. The department may estimate by waste category the number of tons received at a solid waste land disposal facility. The estimate shall appear on the certification form and shall be based on the number of tons received and reported for the previous reporting period.


Fee Schedule - All Facilities Except Landfills And Surface Impoundments

Facility Type

Initial Site & Construction Inspection Fees (1)

Plan Review Fee (2)

Plan Modification or Exemption Request

Construction Documentation Review Fee

Annual License Fee

Beneficial Use






Collection and Transportation






Each Additional Truck






Transfer Facility (3)

Exempt (up to 50 tons/day)






Small (>50 to 100 tons/day)






Large (>100 tons/day)






Processing Facility (4)






Storage Facility (3)

Exempt (up to 50 tons/day)






Non-Exempt (>50 tons/day)






Incineration Facility(4)






Air Curtain Destructor






Woodburning Facility






One-Time Disposal






Municipal Waste Combustor







Large (>10 tons/day)






Landspreading Facility













Infectious Waste Transport






Each Additional Truck






Infect. Waste Annual Report





$55 (5)

Medical Waste Reduction Plan


$660 (6)




(1) The initial site inspection fee doubles to $1,100 if preliminary screening prior to field inspection indicates the possible presence of endangered resources or sites of historical or archeological significance. This fee also applies to each compliance inspection performed per s. NR 502.05 (3) (k) 8. or 502.07 (2r) (g).

(2) The plan review fees specified in Table 2 cover the department's review from initial submittal through approval or denial of the report or plan. An applicant may withdraw and revise or supplement a report or plan prior to it being deemed complete and resubmit it without paying an additional review fee. The applicant shall pay an additional plan review fee as specified in Table 2 for resubmittal of a plan which has been withdrawn after having been determined to be complete, or for review of a report that has twice been declared incomplete.

(3) A plan modification, as referred to in Table 2, is a submittal which proposes to modify a plan of operation or closure plan previously approved by the department.

(4) The department shall waive the plan review fees and license fees for a processing facility, including a composting facility, an electronics processing facility, or an incinerator that has a primary purpose of converting solid waste into usable materials, products, or energy. The waiver does not include the initial site and construction inspection fees or the construction documentation review fee.

(5) This is an annual filing fee. A $25 late fee will be added for annual reports received after March 1 of the following calendar year.

(6) If the department requires a medical facility to submit its medical waste reduction plan under s. NR 526.22, the plan review fee shall also be submitte


Fee Schedule - Landfills and Surface Impoundments

Plan Review and Inspection Fees (1)

License Fees

Facility Type

Pre.- Feas. or Initial Site Report (2) NR 509/510

Feas. Report NR 512

Plan of Oper. NR 503/514

Plan Mod. (3) (4)

Initial Site Inspections, Construction Inspections, and Exemption Requests (5) (6)

Constr. Doc. NR 503/516 (7)

Closure Plan NR 514

0-12 Months

Closure & LTC Period (8)

Lic. Transfer

Landfills & Surface Impoundments














Small Construct. & Demo.

Waste Landfills












Intermed. Construct. & Demo.

Waste Landfills












(1) The plan review fees specified in Table 3 cover the department's review from initial submittal through approval or denial of the report or plan. An applicant may withdraw and revise or supplement a report or plan prior to it being deemed complete and resubmit it without paying an additional review fee. The applicant shall pay an additional plan review fee as specified in Table 3 for resubmittal of a plan which has been withdrawn after having been determined to be complete, or for review of a report that has twice been declared incomplete.

(2) For an initial site report submittal which includes more than one location, the applicant shall pay a separate fee, as shown in Table 3, for each location.

(3) A plan modification, as referred to in Table 3, is a submittal which proposes to modify a feasibility report, plan of operation or closure plan previously approved by the department. This fee also applies to a submittal which proposes to change the design management zone (DMZ) or requests recalculation of indicator preventive action limits (PAL's) as defined in ch. NR 140. The review fee for expedited plan modification requests per s. NR 514.09 is $1,000.

(4) These fees also apply to proposed Alternate Geotechnical Programs, Initial Site Construction Approval Requests, all submittals related to investigation or remediation of environmental contamination, and all submittals requesting exemptions to the groundwater standards contained in ch. NR 140.

(5) This fee applies to each initial site inspection performed by the Department and to each phase of construction to a maximum of 10 inspections. The initial site inspection fee doubles to $1,100 if preliminary screening prior to field inspection indicates the possible presence of endangered resources or sites of historical or archeological significance.

(6) These fees apply to exemptions requested under s. NR 500.08 (3m), (4), and (5).

(7) These fees apply to each facility construction documentation report submitted and to construction documentation reports for which a design capacity cannot be applied, such as sedimentation basins or remedial actions.

(8) This fee is a one-time payment only for the term of the licensee's long-term care responsibility.

(9) An additional $2,000 fee shall be paid for each requested exemption to the locational criteria specified in s. NR 504.04 (3); for exemption requests to s. NR 504.06 (2) (b) or (c); and if exemptions have been requested to ch. NR 140 groundwater standards. A separate $2,000 fee shall be paid for each paragraph of s. NR 504.04 (3) under which exemptions have been requested. For requested exemptions to ch. NR 140 groundwater standards, a single $2,000 fee is owed.

(10) Submittals which propose to modify previously approved feasibility reports shall be assessed a fee of $5,000.

(11) Landfills initially licensed before 1/1/05 that have a total approved design capacity below 50,000 cubic yards shall pay an annual license fee of $1,650. Landfills initially licensed before 1/1/05 that have a total approved design capacity from 50,000 cubic yards to 500,000 cubic yards shall pay an annual license fee of $3,850.

(12) Operation inspection fee.


Fee Schedule - Landfills And Surface Impoundments Plan Review Fees

Facility Type

Type of Submittal

Plan Review Fee

Municipal solid waste landfills

Landfill stability plan

$2,500 (1)(2)

All solid waste landfills

Research, development and demonstration plan

$2,500 (1)(2)

All landfills, excluding CCR landfills

Annual report

$500 (3)

CCR landfills

Annual report under s. NR 506.20(3)


CCR landfills

Plan of operation modification for initial permitting under s. NR 514.045(1)


(1) These fees apply if the submittal is not proposed as part of the plan of operation. These fees apply to proposed renewal submittals for research, development and demonstration plans after approval of initial submittal.

(2) A landfill stability plan submitted under s. NR 514.07 (9) or a research, development and demonstration submitted under s. NR 514.10, as referred to in Table 5, are plan modifications which propose to modify a feasibility report, plan of operation, or closure plan.

(3) This fee applies to all annual reports for landfills, except CCR landfills, unless the report is also a renewal submittal for a research, development and demonstration plan

Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 520.15

Amended by, Cr. Register, January, 1988, No. 385, eff. 2-6-88; am. (1) (intro.), (b), (2) (intro.) and Tables, r. and recr. (1) (a), (c), r. (1) (d), renum. (2) (c) to be (3), Register, June, 1996, No. 486, eff. 7-1-96, am. table 2, Register, August, 1997, No. 500, eff. 9-1-97; r. and recr. table 2, Register, September, 1998, No. 513, eff. 10-1-98; CR 02-145: r. and recr. (3) Table 2 and Table 3 Register December 2003 No. 576, eff. 1-1-2004; CR 05-020: r. and recr. (3) Tables 2 and 3 Register January 2006 No. 601, eff. 2-1-06; CR 21-076: am. Table 5 Register July 2022 No. 799, eff. 8-1-22; correction in Table 5 made under s. 35.17, Stats., Register July 2022 No. 799; CR 21-041: am. Table 2 Register June 2023 No. 810, eff. 7-1-23; correction in Table 2 made under s. 35.17, Stats., Register June 2023 No. 810, eff. 7/1/2023

The amended version of this section by Register June 2024 No. 817, eff. 2/1/2024 is not yet available.