(a) Facilities used for the landspreading of wood ash from the combustion of untreated wood with no additives, preservatives or other alterations other than kiln drying are exempt from the requirements of this chapter provided that storage, handling, transportation and landspreading follow best management practices to minimize uncontrolled dispersion by wind and water and provided that the following requirements are met by those responsible for landspreading activities or the wood ash operator: Note: The term "facilities" used in this subsection means the land upon which wood ash is applied. Section NR 500.08(5) (b) 1. exempts wood ash storage, handling, transportation and landspreading activities for small quantity wood ash generators. Section NR 500.08(5) (b) 2. exempts wood ash storage, handling and transportation activities when wood ash is managed in accordance with this subsection.
1. An initial bulk chemical analysis shall be performed on a representative sample of wood ash to determine the composition and neutralizing index. Testing shall be performed by the generator or generator's designee in accordance with a department approved testing procedure. The department may limit landspreading based on the level of contaminants found in this testing procedure.2. Landspreading shall be for the purpose of beneficially using the wood ash for soil pH adjustment or nutrient addition using accepted agricultural practices.3. Maximum one time application rates shall be limited to 15 dry tons per acre and a total cumulative application limited to 50 dry tons per acre. Note: The department recommends the wood ash application rate be adjusted to target soil pH to promote crop yields.
4. Wood ash which is top dressed may not be landspread in the following areas: a. Within 100 feet of navigable bodies of water, such as streams or ponds, a wetland or a floodplain.b. Within 1,000 feet of public water supply wells or 200 feet of private water supply wells.c. Within 200 feet of residences unless written consent is obtained from the residents.d. Within 25 feet of public roads.e. Within 25 feet of intermittent streams, drainage ways, road ditches, surface tile inlets or other areas which concentrate runoff.f. On any fields with slopes greater than 6% unless the land is in a soil conservation management plan. For land in a soil conservation management plan, wood ash may not be spread on fields with slopes greater than 12%.5. Records shall be maintained for a period of 5 years by the wood ash generator of the quantities produced, the name and address of the person to whom the ash was distributed and the results of the initial bulk analysis and the results of other routine testing, if applicable. The wood ash generator or generator's designee shall inform those responsible for landspreading of the requirements of subds. 3. and 4. Those responsible for landspreading wood ash shall keep records of the location and amount of wood ash applied.