Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 509.07

Current through December 30, 2024
Section NR 509.07 - Regional geotechnical information

The initial site report shall include a discussion of the regional setting of the proposed landfill. This discussion may be limited to information available from publications such as a hydrologic investigations atlas, water supply papers, informational circulars and technical bulletins published by the Wisconsin geologic and natural history survey, the United States geological survey and the natural resources conservation service. The regional setting to be discussed is the area which may affect or be affected by the proposed landfill. At a minimum, this will be the area within one mile of the anticipated limits of filling. The discussions shall be supplemented with available regional bedrock and glacial geology maps, USGS topographic maps, NRCS soil maps and regional water table maps. Specifically, the following items shall be discussed:

(1) TOPOGRAPHY.. The existing topography including predominant topographic features.
(2) HYDROLOGY. The surface water drainage patterns and significant hydrologic features such as surface waters, springs, surface water drainage basins, divides and wetlands.
(3) GEOLOGY. The origin, nature and distribution of bedrock; the origin, texture, thickness and distribution of the unconsolidated units; and the texture and classification of the surficial soils.
(4) HYDROGEOLOGY. The depth to groundwater, groundwater flow directions, groundwater divides, aquifers and identification of the aquifers used by water supply wells.
(5) WATER QUALITY. Information on groundwater and surface water quality available from the USGS, WGNHS, DNR, UW-Extension and regional planning commissions.

Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 509.07

Cr. Register, June, 1996, No. 486, eff. 7-1-96.