Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 503.08

Current through December 30, 2024
Section NR 503.08 - One time disposal landfill
(1) PLAN OF OPERATION REQUIREMENTS. Any person intending to establish a one time disposal landfill shall submit a plan of operation to the department which contains a description of the need for the landfill and the potential environmental impacts. The proposal shall address the alternatives considered, including reuse, recycling and disposal at a licensed solid waste landfill, the reasons why other economically feasible alternatives are not available, and the potential environmental impacts. The department may deny an application for a one time disposal landfill if other reasonable alternatives are available. No person may establish, construct, operate or maintain a one time disposal landfill prior to obtaining approval from the department of a plan of operation. The plan of operation shall contain all of the following information unless the department waives specific requirements in writing. The department may require any additional information if it determines that the information is necessary to complete the review of the project.
(a) The general information requirements of s. NR 503.07(2).
(b) Name, address and telephone number of landfill owner and operator.
(c) Total acreage of property and landfill.
(d) Landfill life, capacity, types and sources of material to be disposed.
(e) The following geotechnical information based upon 2 test pits or borings per acre installed at a minimum of 10 feet below the base of the disposal area:
1. Depth to groundwater if within 10 feet of the base of the disposal facility.
2. Boring logs identifying USCS classification of each major soil unit encountered during installation of the soil borings or test pits. The department may require representative samples be taken and analyzed for grain size distribution.
(f) Alternatives to the proposed landfill which may be available such as licensed landfills, transfer facilities, recycling facilities or other licensed processing facilities. If reasonable alternatives are available, then the applicant shall provide adequate justification why the alternatives are not feasible.
(2) DESIGN AND OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS. No person may construct, operate or maintain a one time disposal landfill except in conformance with the following minimum requirements and with the terms and conditions of the plan approval for the landfill:
(a) The landfill life may not exceed 6 months.
(b) The design capacity of the landfill may not exceed 10,000 cubic yards.
(c) The landfill shall be operated, maintained and closed in a nuisance-free manner. Screening shall be provided from all residences within 1/4 mile unless this requirement is waived in writing by the department.
(d) A minimum 10-foot separation distance from the base of the landfill to the water table or bedrock shall be maintained unless the disposal facility is in a clay soil environment.
(e) Access to the landfill shall be restricted through the use of fencing or other means approved by the department.
(3) WASTE SCREENING PLAN. The department may require development and implementation of a waste screening plan to prevent the disposal of waste material not approved for a one time disposal landfill.
(4) ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING. The department may require installation of groundwater and leachate monitoring wells or other devices, groundwater and leachate quality sampling and analysis programs, gas monitoring and provisions to protect against detrimental effects of leachate and gas migration from any one time disposal landfill.
(5) CLOSURE REQUIREMENTS. Any person who operates or maintains a one time disposal landfill, or who permits the use of property for that purpose shall close the landfill within 6 months after disposal begins in the following manner:
(a) The entire area previously used for disposal purposes shall be covered with at least 2 feet of compacted earth sloped adequately to allow storm water runoff. A specific soil type may be required by the department for this 2-foot layer. Fine grain soils shall be utilized to minimize infiltration unless this requirement is waived in writing by the department. Top slopes shall be no less than 2%. Side slopes shall be no steeper than 33%.
(b) Storm water shall be diverted to limit the potential for erosion and sedimentation. Wherever possible, storm water shall be diverted around previously filled areas. Where it is necessary to divert drainage over previously filled areas, the department may require that drainage be conveyed by clay lined drainage swales having a minimum thickness of 2 feet.
(c) The finished surface of the filled area shall be covered with a minimum of 6 inches of topsoil.
(d) Seeding, fertilizing and mulching of the finished surface shall be accomplished in accordance with the landfill's final use. The seed type and amount of fertilizer shall be selected depending on the type and quality of topsoil and compatibility with native vegetation.
(e) Following closure of the one time disposal landfill, the landfill shall be inspected and maintained by the owner or operator.
(6) EXPANSIONS. Any person who wishes to expand an existing one time disposal landfill shall comply with all provisions of this section. The department shall interpret expansions to include any new landfill within 1/4 mile of an existing landfill. The combined design capacity of the original one time disposal landfill and all subsequent expansions may not exceed 10,000 cubic yards. The department may deny any request for an expansion if, in the department's opinion, the disposal of additional waste may result in a detrimental effect on surface or groundwater or cause or exacerbate an attainment or exceedance of any standard in ch. NR 140. The local geology, hydrogeology and topography shall be considered in this decision.

Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 503.08

Cr. Register, June, 1996, No. 486, eff. 7-1-96.