Section NR 199.03 - DefinitionsIn this chapter:
(1) "Acquisition cost" means the fair market value of the property, as determined by department appraisal guidelines, and reasonable costs related to the purchase of the property that are limited to the cost of appraisals, land surveys, relocation payments, title evidence, recording fees, historical and cultural assessments required by the department and environmental inspections. It does not include attorneys fees, environmental clean up costs, brokerage fees paid by the buyer, real estate transfer taxes or any other cost not identified in this subsection.(2) "Agricultural use" has the meaning given in s. 30.40(1), Stats.(3) "Applicant" means the township, village, city or metropolitan sewerage district that applies for a grant under this chapter.(4) "Conservation easement" has the meaning given in s. 700.40(1) (a), Stats.(5) "Department" means the Wisconsin department of natural resources.(6) "Development" means any artificial change to improved or unimproved real estate, including but not limited to the construction or placement of buildings or other structures; the construction of additions or substantial improvement to buildings or other structures; mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation or drilling operations; and the storage, deposition or extraction of materials.(7) "Flowage easement" means a holder's nonpossessory interest in real property granting the holder the right to flow the grantor's lands for flood storage or natural riverine hydrologic cycles.(8) "Force account" means the performance of a development project with the resources of the grant recipient, including personnel services, equipment and materials.(9) "Grant period" means the time period stated in the grant agreement during which the grant recipient is eligible to expend funds for a project and be reimbursed for those expenditures.(10) "Grant recipient" means the township, village, city or metropolitan sewerage district that has received a grant under this chapter.(11) "Land management plan" means a plan approved by the department detailing how lands acquired with grants under this chapter shall be managed and maintained.(12) "Local share" means that portion of the project costs that is not funded by the department.(12m) "Metropolitan sewerage district" means a sewerage district created under ss. 200.01 to 200.15 or 200.21 to 200.65, Stats.(13) "Mitigation" means implementing specific activities to remove structures from flood hazard areas or to protect structures from flooding.(14) "Parcel" means one contiguous block of land under a single ownership.(15) "Project priority list" means a ranking by the department of municipal flood control or riparian restoration projects in the order of their scheduled receipt of funds.(16) "Property acquisition" means fee title ownership or an easement in perpetuity in the land.(17) "Repetitive loss structure" means any structure with 2 or more flood losses, each greater than $1,000, in any 10 year period since 1978.(18) "Riparian restoration project" means eligible activities which will restore or enhance the natural beneficial uses and value of a watercourse.(19) "Structure" means any manmade object with form, shape and utility, either permanently or temporarily attached to, placed upon or set into the ground, stream bed or lake bed, including, but not limited to, buildings, storage tanks, bridges, dams, channels and culverts.(20) "Substantial damage" means flood damages to any structure that equal or exceeds 50% of the present equalized assessed value of the structure.Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 199.03
CR 01-014: Cr. Register October 2001 No. 550, eff. 11-1-01.