Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 187.05

Current through December 30, 2024
Section NR 187.05 - Grant application
(1) GRANT CYCLES. First grant cycle applications may only be submitted to the department after July 1 of each year and before August 2 of the same year. Based on the availability of funds, the department may administer a second grant cycle, in which case applications may only be submitted to the department after December 1 and before January 2 of the next year.
(a) Applications shall be submitted on forms supplied by the department.
(b) Grant applicants shall submit the following in writing with the application form:
1. A statement that describes the municipality's proposed clean sweep program activities in detail and which, at a minimum, includes the following:
a. A statement describing the program's scope of activities and objectives. This statement shall identify the personnel responsible for program planning, coordination and implementation.
b. A description of proposed information and education activities designed to inform citizens of the opportunity to participate in clean sweep program activities.
2. A budget showing estimated clean sweep program costs for major planned activities, estimated in-kind costs (e.g., salaries, benefits and costs of materials) which may be counted toward the applicant's matching share, and documentation on how all estimates were made.
3. A formal resolution by the governing body of the municipality which:
a. Authorizes the grant application;
b. Expresses the municipality's intent to carry out all proposed activities described within the grant application;
c. Grants department employees access to inspect proposed clean sweep program collection sites.
d. Commits the municipality to maintain appropriate records to document all expenditures made during the clean sweep program, and to submit to the department a final report describing all clean sweep program activities, achievements and problems, comparing the actual program with the activities and objectives proposed in the municipality's grant application, including samples of all information-educational brochures prepared and distributed, and data on residents' rates of participation, waste quantities collected by category, documentation of all project costs, and a recommendation section.
4. A timetable for completion of the clean sweep program for which the application is submitted, showing anticipated dates of information and education activities, waste collection, and the submittal of a final report to the department.

Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 187.05

Cr. Register, August, 1986, No. 368, eff. 9-1-86.