Note: Traditional wastewater treatment plant and collection system projects are those that use common infrastructure and processes to collect and treat wastewater, including pipes to collect wastewater from homes and businesses and carry the water to a treatment plant that uses techniques and equipment to filter and settle out solids, aerate the water to encourage natural processes of growth of bacteria and other organisms to consume much of the waste, disinfect the processed water, and process the sludge removed from the wastewater. Traditional projects tend to collect and treat point-source pollution only, unless storm sewers contribute to the flow of water to the wastewater treatment plant or the system has infiltration or inflow problems. The purpose of some traditional projects is to fix these types of excess flow issues. Traditional wastewater treatment is discussed in the Primer for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Systems, Publication EPA 832-R-04-001, dated September 2004, available on the U.S. environmental protection agency's website at:
Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 162.38