Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 141.13

Current through December 30, 2024
Section NR 141.13 - Sealing requirements

All materials and procedures used in the installation of seals for permanent groundwater monitoring wells shall meet the requirements of this section. The calculated and actual volume of sealant material used for the filter pack seal and annular space seal shall be reported to the department.

(a)Specifications. All permanent groundwater monitoring wells installed with filter packs shall be constructed with a filter pack seal. For all water table observation wells and piezometers, the filter pack seal shall extend 2 feet upward from the top of the filter pack and shall consist of 2 feet of clean fine sand. When high-solids grout, granular bentonite slurry, bentonite-cement grout or neat cement grout is used as the annular space sealant, 5 feet of bentonite shall be placed on top of the clean fine sand seal. Bentonite chips no greater than 3/8 inch in diameter or bentonite pellets shall be used for seals placed below the water table. Bentonite granules may be used for seals when there is no standing water above the filter pack and the borehole is less than 25 feet or in areas where the depth to water table is less than 7 feet. For water table observation wells constructed in areas where the depth to water table is less than 16 feet, the filter pack seal shall be reduced to 2 feet of bentonite to allow for the required amount of annular space sealant to be placed. For water table observation wells constructed in areas where the depth to water table is less than 7 feet, the required filter pack seal may be reduced to allow for the required amount of annular space sealant to be placed.
(b)Installation. A tape measure, measuring rod or similar device shall be used to ensure that the filter pack seal is installed over the proper depth interval. The tape measure, measuring rod or similar device shall be carefully raised and lowered while the filter pack seal material is being placed to identify bridging. If bridging occurs the filter pack seal material shall be tamped into place, surrounding the well casing, using a measuring rod or similar device. When a tremie pipe is used to place the filter pack seal the procedures of s. NR 141.10(2) shall be followed. Bentonite pellets, bentonite chips or bentonite granules shall be hydrated in 2 foot lifts as placed in the borehole when placed above the water table.
(a)Specifications. All permanent groundwater monitoring wells shall be installed with an annular space seal designed to achieve a permeability of 1 x 10-7 centimeters per second or less. For permanent groundwater monitoring wells constructed with filter packs, the annular space seal shall extend from the filter pack seal to the ground surface seal and shall be at least 2 feet in length. For water table observation wells constructed in areas where the depth to water table is less than 7 feet, the annular space seal shall be bentonite granules. For monitoring wells constructed into bedrock formations and without well screens, the annular space seal shall extend from the bottom of the outer borehole to the ground surface seal and shall be at least 2 feet in length. Sealant materials may not contain additives. These requirements may be met by:

Note: The department does not recommend the use of neat cement grout or cement mixtures in fractured formations because they may impact water quality.

1. Bentonite granules slurry may be used as an annular space sealant in any type of monitoring well except where the depth to the water table is less than 7 feet.
2. Bentonite sand slurry may be used as an annular space sealant in any type of monitoring well except where the depth to the water table is less than 7 feet.
3. Bentonite pellets, bentonite chips or bentonite granules may be used to seal the annular space under the following conditions:
a. Bentonite granules may be used when there is no standing water in the well above the filter pack and the total well depth is less than 25 feet or the depth to water table is less than 7 feet.
b. Bentonite chips with diameter no larger than 3/8 inch or bentonite pellets may be used when the depth of standing water in the well is less than 30 feet and the total depth of the annular space seal is less than 50 feet except where the depth to the water table is less than 7 feet.
4. High-solids grout approved by the department, bentonite-cement grout or neat-cement grout may be used to seal the annular space in which a bentonite filter pack seal has been placed except where the depth to the water table is less than 7 feet.
1. When bentonite chips with diameter no larger than 3/8 inch, bentonite pellets or granules are used to seal the annular space, they may either be poured freely down the borehole or added through a tremie pipe, provided the specifications of par. (a) are met. When a tremie pipe is used to place the annular space sealant the procedures of s. NR 141.10(2) (a) and (b) shall be followed.
2. When grouts or slurries are used to seal the annular space, the material may be poured freely down a tremie pipe or pumped down a borehole with the use of a tremie pipe, provided the specifications of par. (a) are met. For wells 100 feet in depth or greater the sealant material shall be pumped down the borehole with the use of a tremie pipe. When a tremie pipe is used to place the annular space sealant the procedures of s. NR 141.10(2) shall be followed.
3. When any slurry or grout is used, there shall be a 12-hour period between the time the annular space seal is installed and the time the protective cover pipe is installed. Any settling in the annular space seal shall be topped off before the protective cover pipe is installed.
4. The top of the well casing shall be covered with a protective cap.
(a)Ground surface seal. All permanent groundwater monitoring wells shall be constructed with a bentonite or concrete ground surface seal. The ground surface seal shall extend to a minimum of 60 inches below the land surface, and the top shall be sloped away from the well casing. If bentonite is used, the top of the surface seal shall terminate 2 inches below the land surface and shall be covered with top soil or native soil to prevent drying out. The ground surface seal shall be installed around the protective cover and may not be placed between the protective cover pipe and the well casing. If the monitoring well depth is such that both a minimum 2 foot annular space seal and a minimum 5 foot ground surface seal cannot both be placed, the ground surface seal may be shortened.

Note: Certain soils are prone to frost heave and the department does not recommend use of concrete as a ground surface seal in these situations.

(b)Protective cover pipe. The protective cover pipe shall consist of a metal casing at least 2 inches larger in diameter than the well casing with a locking cap. The protective cover pipe shall extend from the bottom of the ground surface seal to a minimum of 24 inches above the ground surface except as provided in sub. (4). There may be no more than 4 inches between the top of the well casing and the top of the protective cover pipe. The protective cover pipe shall always extend above the top of the well casing. For water table observation wells constructed in areas where the depth to water table is less than 7 feet, the required length of protective cover shall be reduced and may not extend through the annular space seal or into the filter pack. If the monitoring well is located in a floodplain, the protective cover pipe shall be watertight. The department may require additional protective devices, such as rings of brightly colored posts around the well, as necessary. Weep holes or vents may be used in protective cover pipes.
(a)Ground surface seal. All permanent groundwater monitoring wells with a flush mounted protective cover pipe shall be constructed with a concrete ground surface seal. The ground surface seal shall extend to, but not beyond, the total depth of the flush mounted protective cover pipe. The ground surface seal shall be installed around the flush mounted protective cover pipe and may not be placed between the flush mounted protective cover pipe and the well casing.
(b)Flush mounted protective cover pipe. The flush mounted protective cover pipe may be installed only in high vehicular traffic areas and may not be installed in areas subject to ponding or flooding. The flush mounted protective cover's lid shall have the wording "monitoring well" on its outer surface. Flush mounted protective cover pipes shall be installed through an impervious surface such as asphalt or concrete. If an impervious surface does not exist one shall be created which will support the weight of the traffic in the area. The flush mounted protective cover pipe shall consist of a watertight metal casing with an inside diameter at least 4 inches greater than the inside diameter of the monitoring well casing. The flush mounted protective cover pipe shall be one continuous metal piece or 2 metal pieces which are joined with a continuous weld. The flush mounted protective cover pipe shall be a minimum of 12 inches in length. There may be no more than 8 inches between the top of the monitoring well casing and the top of the flush mounted protective cover pipe after installation. The flush mounted protective cover pipe shall have an exterior flange or lugs. The flush mounted protective cover pipe may not extend beyond the annular space seal. The flush mounted protective cover pipe or the monitoring well shall have a locking mechanism. The monitoring well installed within any flush mounted protective cover pipe shall have a watertight cap.

Note: Figure 4 depicts 2 typical flush mounted protective cover pipes after installation.

Note: An exterior flange or lugs will aid in the stabilization of the flush mounted protective cover pipe within the ground surface seal.

Note: After removing the watertight cap and prior to taking a pressure head measurement a waiting period is recommended to enable the water level to stabilize.

Figure 4.

Two typical flush mounted protective cover pipes after installation.

See Image

Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 141.13

Cr. Register, January, 1990, No. 409, eff. 2-1-90; am. (1), (2) (a) (intro.), 1., 2. and 3. and (b) 1. and 4. and (3), r. and recr. (2) (a) 4., r. (2) (a) 5. and 6., cr. (4), Register, June, 1991, No. 426, eff. 7-1-91.